Is Justice Blind

4 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Justice is blind. Do you believe that heart to heart? Well, the reality of our worldly viewpoint does speak it very loudly. Bad people are doing bad things and they are not being held accountable for them, there seems to be no justice. But is justice blind? Well, God is the God of justice. I know you understand that, but if you take it one step further with this reality of truth, we know that nothing, absolutely nothing is hidden from God. That means every motive, every action, every attitude God sees. So, God knows. So, Heart To Heart, justice is NOT blind. Because NOTHING is hidden from God, because He is a God of Justice, He WILL take care of injustice. Some of the judges of our time may be blind and the scary thing is that they may be blind to their blindness, but once again the truth is, nothing is hidden from God and this is what we put our hope in, we hope in God’s Justice during these lawless times where only some, but not all are being held accountable for their wrong doings. Heart To Heart, we put our hope in God, for He is a God of justice and His justice will prevail. #DigDeeper

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