The Largest Tax Hike In 30 Years Just Proposed For The Great Reset aka the "new new deal"

3 years ago

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The largest tax hike in 30 years was just proposed and it will not be used to pay off our debt, but for a potential $6 trillion dollar initiative that Yellen says will require the people's money
The article I mentioned in the video

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So the next spending initiative is already under development. Unlike the $1.9 trillion stimulus package, the next initiative, which is expected to be even bigger, won’t rely just on government debt as a funding source. While it’s been increasingly clear that tax hikes will be a component - Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said at least part of the next bill will have to be paid for, and pointed to higher rates - key advisers are now making preparations for a package of measures. This comes with a massive tax increase, not to pay for the last stimulus but to pay for the next plans to implement the total overhaul of the United States

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