USA Journey Homeschool Math Tips On How to Teach Multiplication Helpful Education Tips Lesson Homeschooling Made Fun

3 years ago

USA Journey
Homeschool or Education in General Lesson

To start Digit Leads to Multiplication watch

To continue Digit Leads to Multiplication watch

Are you teaching multiplication to your children? This lesson helps teach multiplying two-digit number to a one-digit number to find the product.

Do you get frustrated with Common Core? Why draw all those pictures when you can multiply in a few steps. Is there any doubt why so many get frustrated with Common Core?
Old school is really better when it comes to teaching children isn't it?

Keyword: Product
Skill: Multiplying two digit number to a one digit number

Now write a paragraph about how you multiplied sixty eight times two. Digits are 3,5, 2. Use the following words in your explanation.


If you like share your essay in the comments. It might be the essay to help teach this skill.

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Homeschooling Education Lesson made fun.

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