Bill Clinton Secret File and Epstein's pathologist same as JFK, Quantum Financial System, Bye FED

3 years ago

Painting of Bill Clinton in Blue Dress in Epstein's Mansion? Epstein's Pathologist, Baden same as JFK? Escrow Release Transaction the billion XRP comes out of Ripple every month with file name Bill Clinton's Secret. Quantum Financial System. Bye FED!

More sources and research notes if you would rather skim than listen to the report found in comments.

Here are two other connections sources.
Thank you to all of my followers.
I am slowly moving my video reports that were on my first YT channel after all of the threats.

I also have some of my reports on Bitchute where I use to mirror them for protection.

I appreciate all who take the time to listen or watch.
You can find my research notes here which are filled with all sources and more connectors.
I will drop a few here also.

The Conspiracy Theory docu from the C_a can be found here,
Document on Warren Commission Proving the C_a coined the term "Conspiracy Theorist " for Anyone who Questioned their Full of Holes story on the JFK Assassination!

Facebook Frames American Pie do you have Faith In God Above?
Can music save your mortal soul?
See how the churches (Most not all) were infiltrated waaay back in the day by someone who was integral in the UN.
Flip through all the Frame photos to get the BIG picture. There are more links for deeper dives beside some of the photos.
Why was LBJ sworn in on a plane?
Who was J.D. Tippits and What was he doing the day he died on the same day JFK did?

Minds article on Castle Rock and staging here

JFKjr's interview transcript inside of here, What I would do if I were President.

Many Connections inside on JFK and JFKjr in under 13min. with Full evidence and sources.

Poem on Bill Gates what is luciferase? How about Microsoft patent WO2020060606 and HR6666
Bringing in right where the poem starts so you can watch this shorter section.

#BillClintonSecret, #Epstein, #QuantumFinancialSystem, #xrp

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