Migrant Crisis is the worst in 20 years – Cancel Culture out of control | Schaftlein Report

3 years ago

Migrant Crisis is the worst in 20 years – Cancel Culture out of control | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Marcus Pittman – Chief Creative Officer at LoorTV, an upcoming user-funded TV streaming service ( check out Loor.tv for more info )
1) Migrant Crisis
2) McConnell's warning shot on Filibuster
3) Ca. Gov Newsom recall in high gear - Newsom worried
4) Is Reconciliation going to be tried on Infrastructure bill?
5) Florida handled Covid correctly - Unemployment is at 5.1%, CA 9.3% and NY 8.7%
6) Portland cut police funding and murders went up 2,000%
7) Washington Post admits it made up Trump quotes
8) 2020 Election MI Sec of State broke state law according to MI Judge, sending ballots to all registered voters and how to evaluate them
9) Cuomo still in hot water

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