3 years ago

The 7th and final vial/bowl of Divine wrath on the wicked is frightening. It will be like no other natural disaster that has ever occurred before in history. A global scale earthquake of such magnitude that it destroys all the cities of earth in addition to leveling mountains and wiping out islands. It is common to experience Tsunami's and volcanic activity after major earthquakes. The size, scale and scope of the destruction will be beyond belief. This will be followed by a plague of giant, +100 lb hail stones that will utterly pulverize any structure that remains standing after the global earthquake. The hail stones will demolish any remaining power generation, solar panels, wind turbines, nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power sources. The earth will be plunged into darkness. Crops and livestock wiped out. Farms and transportation wiped out. Planes, trains and automobiles wiped out. Factories, grocery stores, civic buildings, theaters, hospitals, airports, ships and boats will all be destroyed. War planes, ships, vehicles, launch pads and supply lines will all be destroyed. The wicked will refuse to repent and will blame it all on global warming.

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