Rally Championship RAC Rally PCLinuxOS

3 years ago

Network Q RAC Rally Championship é um jogo de computador de rally que é parte da série Rally Championship, sendo a sequela para o jogo rede 1993 Q RAC Rally.O jogo foi lançado para Windows e MS-DOS em 26 de outubro de 1996 e foi desenvolvido pela Magnetic Fields e publicado pela Europress.O jogo iria ser sucedido em 1997 com o lançamento do International Rally Championship.

Carros: Subaru, Ford, Renault, Skoda, Volkswagen, Proton.
28 pistas do RAC Rally oficial.
Dia/noite e com clima variável (sol, chuva, neve)
Diversos terrenos: asfalto, chão, barro, pedras e córregos.

Excelente jogo, o qual joguei muito no Win 95, há uns bons 23 anos atrás. Mesmo assim, o jogo envelheceu muito bem, e, ainda é super divertido.

Espero que apreciem!

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Network Q RAC Rally Championship is a rally computer game that is part of the Rally Championship series, being the sequel to the 1993 Network Q RAC Rally game.The game was released for Windows and MS-DOS on October 26, 1996 and was developed by Magnetic Fields and published by Europress.The game was to be succeeded in 1997 with the release of International Rally Championship.

Cars: Subaru, Ford, Renault, Skoda, Volkswagen, Proton.
28 official RAC Rally tracks.
Day/night and variable weather (sun, rain, snow)
Various terrains: asphalt, dirt, clay, stones and streams.

Excellent game, which I played a lot on Win 95, a good 23 years ago. Even so, the game has aged very well, and, is still super fun.

I hope you enjoy it!

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