Land Grants and "Presumed" Donors -- Notice to the Holy See March 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Land Grants and "Presumed" Donors -- Notice to the Holy See March 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Despite much gossip and misunderstanding, we, the American Government, are still here, still operating our unincorporated Federation of States and our individual State Assemblies. We are not absent, and since 1998, have been in Session at the level of the Federation of States; as of 2017, our States have been called into Session, and as of 2020, all fifty (50) of our State Assemblies are in Session.

It has come to our attention that Joe Biden has been elected President of a new Municipal Corporation by our Municipal Employees, and that he is attempting to assert a continuance or successor-ship to contract which we have refused for cause, and that he is also attempting to bond our land and soil assets to promote a 1.9 Trillion dollar spending spree, most of it destined to benefit China.

As the presumed donors of the Public Trust he is attempting to administer, we act as the donors and collapse the trust and demand the return of the assets to the owners of record-- to our unincorporated Federation of States, and to the unincorporated American States and People.

This issue rests squarely on the honor of the Holy See.

The banks and other investors including the British Crown Corp who may have an interest in loaning Mr. Biden money are, of course, free to loan him as much money as they wish --- without any pretense that he has any authority related to us or any power to attach our land and soil assets, or to claim that our land and soil assets are in any way encumbered by their joint actions or serving to as assets subject to any commercial bonding process whatsoever.

If and when our people or their persons receive any funds as a result of any action taken by Mr. Biden or any other Municipal or Territorial Officer, we shall regard these as freewill offerings and gifts without strings attached--- regardless of provenance or purpose.

The Holy See is hereby given notice that this is our declaration and decree over mandate and will not be altered regardless of whatever scheme may be hatched by our Employees seeking to act as our sovereigns.

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