Well Over a Century Ago.... Part Two March 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Well Over a Century Ago.... Part Two March 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Let's fast forward to the present, because in the end, that's all that matters---- and look at the real problem facing the banks and the world economy.

They cannot supply the demand for lawful money. That is what caused the problem in the first place. The inelasticity of the lawful currency together with the pressure to expand economies on a worldwide basis is what dictated the adoption of legal tender laws.

As I keep telling everyone— money is a commodity— a widget like any other widget. However, it happens to be a widget that everyone on Earth needs on a daily basis as a tool to obtain other commodities—- and therein lies the rub.

In order to support the needs of the entire world population and sustain the growth of the world economy it became impossible by ANY means they could think of at the time or at any time since, to supply money widgets having intrinsic value in-and-of themselves and at the same time meet that ongoing and burgeoning demand.

This is in fact a part of the reason that there are certain parties calling for a drastic reduction in world population.

Evading payment of their own debts is another....

But, to cut to the chase—- we all on a worldwide basis have the same problem we all faced back in the 1930’s.

The way they tried to sop it along and still limit their risk was by placing that ridiculous top end limit on the issuance of U.S. Notes.

The way they attempted to keep a lid on was by never telling the Public.

The way they have attempted to honor the system’s debt balancing function is by counting paper coups against paper debts via a process of “denomination”.

By “denominating” the funds going into and out of your account as “Lawful Money” they simply count it and treat it as lawful money, deduct an answering amount from the so-called “national debt” — and keep on rolling.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/03/well-over-century-ago-part-two.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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