TreeNewal Pruning Trees Over Water

3 years ago

Pruning is the process of trimming the extraneous parts of a tree. Ideally, pruning rids the tree of diseased, dead, and problematic parts of a tree. Pruning can also help a tree achieve a perfect shape.
Pruning is typically performed with a saw-like tool and can be done throughout the year, depending on the type of tree species you have. Pruning is not an optional task. It must be done periodically to help a tree achieve maximum growth and health.
To understand why pruning is important, think about your hair. If you were to allow your hair to grow without cutting it, it would sprout wild and look unattractive. Even if you started to grow your hair out, it would still need to be regularly trimmed to sever dead hair cells and achieve an attractive shape.
In the same way, pruning is also important for trees. If trees aren’t pruned, they could grow uncontrollably. This could result in branches extended over your property. Once winds and storms come, these branches could fall and pose a significant safety risk to your property and all of the lives nearby. For this reason, you should prune your trees to keep them growing on your desired plot.
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