Truth and Justice ( poem by Patriotic Poet )

3 years ago

Truth and Justice

Truth and justice can set us free,
able to live life as it was meant to be.

White hats, black hats, battling it out,
MSM spreading lies and doubt.

Digital warriors weapons are words,
the media’s “reporting” is for the birds.

Machines that can vote should be illegal,
whatever happened to flag and eagle.

Warfare fought between evil and good,
Soldiers; Flynn, Sydney, and Lin Wood.

Military Soldiers are winning the battle,
humans in d.u.m.b.s. rescued, are not food or chattel.

Poisoning air and food and water,
poison “vaccine” every son and daughter.

Transhumanism wants your spirit and soul,
genetically modified, no longer whole.

GMO humans can be patented and owned,
nefarious psychopaths keep themselves cloned.

Common Law needs to make a return,
from admiralty rule, did humanity learn.

Since “berth” canal entrance you have been sold,
straw man is traded and owned, ruling you from young to old.

The Vatican claims ownership of our certificate of birth,
each a “corporation” having no human worth.

Targeted and traced, all freedom annulled,
georgia guidestones want us culled.

Our sovereignty must return to us each,
corruption runs deep, where lucifer did reach.

Micro fiber, nanobots, gels and smart dust,
plant destroyer fungus, destruction a must.

Problem, reaction, solutions abound,
Hegelian Dialectic goes round and round.

Mind wars want control of your brain,
that’s medically, legally, and morally insane.

Cut puppet strings now, free your mind,
the prison game begins to unwind.

So teach the children to hope and have love,
keep faith in their hearts from up above.

We no longer do obey, we stand and fight,
truth and justice, must set these things right.

Patriotic Poet

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