Buffalo City Council Meeting, Mar 15th, 2021

3 years ago

00:06:15 - Announcements
00:06:20 - Forget Me Not restaurant opening tomorrow
00:08:45 - Open Forum
00:09:00 - Agenda Additions/Deletions - None
00:09:20 - Recognition of Donating water to Montrose
00:09:55 - Consent Agenda
00:10:11 - Motion to Approve 5 Aye, 0 Nay
00:10:28 - Public Hearing: Past Due Accounts
00:11:40 - Roll call 5 Aye, 0 Nay
00:12:00 - Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easements - Jennifer Nash
00:14:20 - This shows the complications which arise when we deal with utilities
00:14:50 - Matter tabled for next meeting
00:15:15 - New Buisness: Whispering Winds 5th Addition Final Plat (Vier Partnes LLC)
00:15:49 - Rezoned in February
00:16:40 - Motion to Accept 5 Aye, 0 Nay
00:17:15 - Rice Companies, Willems Way Retail Final Plat
00:17:45 - Planning Commission voted to approve
00:18:21 - Question about the Road inlets outlets Approved 5 Aye, 0 Nay
00:20:05 - 62 Unit Apartment block next to the proposed Grocery Store
00:21:22 - Developer requests rezoning to PUD
00:22:20 - In future, PUD developments (Apartments, etc) will have a fee to pay for a pedestrian overpass
00:23:41 - Clean Up Days - April 23rd and 24th; only for Buffalo Residents
00:28:26 - Budget Process Review (2022)
00:29:10 - Budget Planning Calendar
00:29:30 - Budget Workshops will be had several times of year to cut down things into several chunks
00:32:04 - Draft Budget in August to be presented to the City Council
00:32:26 - Property Tax levy will be set in September + Public Hearing will be set
00:34:45 - Will the Resident Survey be only through FlashVote? Yes.
00:36:50 - City Code Recodification
00:37:10 - Reformatted codes to be easier to read, be in line with state statutes, remove duplicate or resolve conflicting codes.
00:38:13 - All new building codes from the will be automatically brought in to city code
00:38:46 - Next Step: 2 City Councilors + City Attorney will be part of the draft review
00:39:28 - Counselors Enter and Downer volunteered
00:40:11 - Staff Updates
00:40:20 - Police - No updates. Avoid IRS/Money scams
00:44:50 - Joe - This week, Utility and Fire crews are removing the BWig antennas from all over town
00:45:45 - Ashley - Nothing
00:45:58 - Brenda - Nothing
00:46:06 - Allison - FlashVote has 310 signups by Friday
00:47:18 - If the FlashVote numbers turn out to be less than 5% by the time of the Resident Survey, does that mean that only 5% of the residents will be asked? Yes. The only way the Survey will be sent out is via FlashVote.
00:48:00 - Allison - Dates (mid-April) - Public Meetings on Goal Setting Process
00:49:30 - Usual Response Rate to City Surveys is 10-15%
00:50:17 - Justin Kannas - Construction
00:51:20 - COVID funds are coming in, will reduce direct costs to some building projects
00:51:50 - Jennifer - Nothing
00:52:00 - Fire Chief John - Fire Station Construction Progress
00:53:10 - Laureen Bodin - Utility Director Position Solitictation details
00:55:05 - Question on Overpasses
00:58:17 - March 31st Workshops: Municipal Fiber 5:00-6:30 PM
01:00:11 - Motion to Adjourn to Workshop 5 Aye, 0 Nay

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