Beauty Is Tagged By Peace

3 years ago

There is so much beauty around us and peace tags along with that God beauty. God’s beauteous things, we sometimes miss a lot of it, we are so distracted by what we are pursuing in this life. There have been those times where God stopped my cray-cray life style of the harried and the stressed right in my tracks. Have you ever had that time when God said: “Hey you look, look and truly see and enjoy the beauty filling the day at hand.” Fixing keeps us way too busy. We are naturally self-fixers and try to self-figuring out all the life riddles in our situations. Ever been an over thinker? Overthinking everything with our dependence on the BIG I and not God is exhausting. Stressed out is not a good way to live life and is not conducive to forming peaceful attitudes. Stopping to smell the roses, enjoying the beautiful beach breezes brushing over your face with salt air. God has created beautiful things and when we are attentive to Him, He navigates us to see and appreciate the beauteous things He created, things that are tagged by His Peace. That is why when I walk the beach, I feel such peace in my soul. If I want peace to be my life motto, then I must let God be the fixer, the ONE Who can figure things out way better than me and finish so excellently well. Right now, would be a good time to hand over to God all those things and all the people you are trying to fix and figure out. This is the way to true, lasting peace. Being a fixer and taking on the burden of figuring out is not our place and it distracts us from the beauty in the day at hand and disrupts our peace. Trust God, let Him Navigate our lives by His way, let Him be The Fixer, and then we can enjoy the beauty that fills each day and not miss one bit of it from sunrise to sunset, being present in the day at hand and learning and growing in an atmosphere of peace, instead of stumbling through life with a chaotic, harried and anxious heart. Let’s change it up, heart to heart, from chaos to peace. #DigDeeper

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