Fun Physical Therapy - $YennyCares (CashApp). #AFS♥

3 years ago

Hola Amigos! Hi friends! how are you doing?

Here is another fun physical therapy little routine for the shoulders to help you with mobility! You don't have to have had any injuries or be healing from surgeries (I currently am!), this can be done by anyone needing to loosen up stiff joints, and get more flexibility and range of movement on the shoulders/arms/upper body!

Plus you'll be working your entire body if you play some music that makes you move! just be careful with the PT Exercises and pay attention to form and on your capabilities....Don't push too hard if you're not healed enough yet.

I am on my second month of PT, and I still can't lift with my left arms.
I actually pushed to hard when I made this video by lifting my arm too quick.

Anyway, I hope you are all well, safe and healthy.

Please let me know what kind of content you'd like from me? I am very creative, and I excel at creating fun, and intense (all levels) Fitness Programs.
I do it with much love, straight from my heart in order to share with you to motivate, inspire and educate.

***Donations to grow my channel:
If you're feeling generous I am accepting donations via CashApp - $YennyCares, and

Donations will help with better productions (outfits, locations, etc.).
I have so much to share with you all...I can't wait.

Thanks for the love,

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