2021.03.14 John Haller Prophecy Update "The Great Spiritual Depression"

3 years ago

In every facet of society, there is not just a spiritual apathy toward all things Christian, but an aggression toward those who choose to believe in absolute truth and the idea that we were made by a Creator to whom we are held accountable. Unfortunately, today's churches, and even Christian schools to some extent, have fallen into the same pattern, feeling pressured to compromise on truth to appeal to those who work overtime to find ways to be offended, and who then exercise a modicum of techniques, using just enough poison to silence those with whom they disagree.

Compromising on truth, where something is mostly true, seems innocent. But what if we had a bad of chocolate chip cookies, with them containing mostly chocolate chips, but since we ran short, we added about 2% dog poop? Would you eat a cookie? It's only 2%, so its mostly chocolate.

If you wouldn't eat that cookie, then why do we seem so eager to accept things that compromise just a fraction of something that is true? We must stand firm on the truth of God's word, 100%. If we do not, we not only weaken our own testimony, but produce generations of Christians who continue to drink milk from the scriptural bottle, instead of getting into the meat and becoming disciples of Christ.

We are seeing The Great Spiritual Depression, and if we do not act fast, it may consume all of us.

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