The Reason Why You Can't Find Love (Motivational Talk) by Marisa Peer

3 years ago

Marisa Peer is the founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) and also a renowned celebrity therapist of over 30 years.

Marisa is the best-selling author of five books, highlighting the wonders of transformational hypnotherapy in varying fields, such as losing weight, getting pregnant, gaining confidence and staying young.

Her motivational speech in this video will help clarify your thoughts and to stay focus on positive things and more importantly the right words and act to love yourself before anything else.

How we project ourselves to others do have a major impact in our daily lives. Repeat the positive words everyday and you will surpass anything that is disturbing you and gives you the confidence you never knew existed.
My #1 powerful meditation technique that realizes one of my goals in 30 days (The Genie Script)

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I will receive a commission for any of the above programs that I recommend. Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only and results are not typical. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic.

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