the covert operation of Lucifer the Fallen Angel

3 years ago

Satan is not Lucifer.
IF the Lord has freed you from His strong delusion 2 Thess. 2:11, and has broken the seven seals that hid His revelation from you 1 Cor. 2:7 preventing you from understanding the mysteries of the Kingdom Matt. 13:11. (If you now can understand parts of Revelation)

AND IF you can believe the Lord’s promise that He will be the only preacher of righteousness Matt. 4:23 and rule over this world for 1,000 years with all moral authority. (that the will of the Lord will be done on earth as it is in heaven.)

AND IF you can believe that spiritual warfare is between the objective truth from God (Sword of the Spirit) and the subjective truths of men (Satan’s mega sword; every wind of doctrine of men including bibles from men.). cf. Adam and Eve in the garden.

AND IF you can repent of subjective truth Acts 17:30, be poor in spirit (Matt. 5:1), and humble yourself as a little child to Christ (Matt. 18:3, 4) and let Christ do the talking Hab. 2:20).

THEN you can start preparing for the second age of the Kingdom Eph. 2:7.
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So everything is going to be better than we ever have possibly imagined Eph. 3:20!

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