United States Military Is Under Attack... By It's Own Leadership, WW3 Will Be Won by the CCP

3 years ago

Another destructive step against the Military has been taken. On International Women's Day, Biden had a speech where he not only forgot the name of the Secretary of Defense's name and the name of the big, five sided building supporting his war efforts, but also made it stupidly clear he idolizes the practices and values of Jimmy Carter (to be fair, at 96 years old I would bet Carter could have a speech with fewer gaffes). The 'Paper Tiger' is back as the Military will be prioritizing Feminine Body Armor and Uniforms to fit that market and Maternity Fight Suits. You can't make this stuff up.

Chinese companies are legally allowed to make inroads with Telecommunication products as proclaimed by a D.C. Judge. It's great to know that a Wargame has the United States being crushed by either Russia or China if they were to engage 2 years ago. Compound these developments and imagine the victory lap Xi is taking.

National File: https://nationalfile.com/video-biden-says-military-will-focus-on-making-maternity-flight-suits-forgets-secdef-lloyd-austins-name/
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/court-ruling-suspends-us-ban-on-investment-in-xiaomi_3732526.html
Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/tech/chilling-world-war-iii-wargames-show-us-forces-crushed-by-russia-and-china

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#WarGame #CCP #USA

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