The Supreme Judge and Decider

3 years ago

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There are millions of ways that the enemy assails humanity, and even more it seems, the Believer. However, I am going to zero in on one particular assault. Just as the Lord uses His precious people as vessels to pour out His gospel, and goodwill towards humanity. The enemy has his human agents he fills with contempt and evil against innocent people. There is one honed instrument of Satan that is very powerful and very malicious.

Just as attorneys and people who study and practice the law for profession, Satan has his people who study and practice it to twist it for evil. They learn it as well as the best professionals of the law, only to adulterate it to kill, steal and destroy innocent people. They do it in a way so diabolical that they leave no room for the righteous to fight fairly in the very laws that are condemning them.

I have seen this many times in my life and it is terrifyingly powerful. I have seen the enemy give these wicked people "his seat, kingdom and power" to overthrow and destroy the lives of peaceful, good, honest people. To overthrow their faith and leave them without hope. As King Solomon said, "I have seen a grievous thing in the earth," is what I say when I see this "violent perverting of justice."

Perhaps this speaks to you, and that you are the one who are facing a great, grievous injustice meant to strip you of everything you own. To destroy your income, home and very life because of a wicked person bent on viciousness. It could be an evil earthly entity that has diabolically corrupted the law to their advantage, but to your assured destruction.

Perchance you are standing alone with no legal power on your side. If that is you, let me be clear by saying that "the Lord will deliver you from him who is too strong for you." If that is you, let me be clear by saying that there is unmatchable power on your side. Jesus Christ the "Judge of Judges."

The word was written so that you would KNOW that the Lord holds all over-arching, all-powerful laws no one can challenge in heaven or earth. Do what Daniel did in prayer, openly and with everything in you, and no matter how it bad it looks, trust in the Supreme Judge Jesus Christ to give you ultimate victory. He always keeps His word and will do it. "Glory, Glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s Land”
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