Delta Time

4 years ago

Still Dedicated To Everyone.
Esp 18
-Anon's Only-

Lyrics Below:

Less than 10 know the whole plan
I wanna high five em but with both hands
Delta Time - Let his plane land
R you ready?
He's a Good Man
Anons knew
All the past drops that the future's gonna prove
All the past lost but not Gone To(o) Soon
All the Mad Dogs unleashed on the loose

Thanks to Q
Thanks to God
And Thanks to all of YQU
Dark turns to Light like we might be the news
Bark then we bite so we fight for the truth

Welcome home
A little dusty, but here's your throne
A little more trusting in The Plan to go
Until the world will know

Now he's back
2020 vision causing no plane crash
99 The Start but the finish gonna last
I find it kinda funny he's afoot
No cast

It's about time
Delta Time
It's Delta Time

Those who know cannot sleep
We count on them while they can't count sheep
I pray for all y'all - I hope you find peace
God bless you
God speed

Sheep No More
We The People
For the people in the spirit war
Seals catch their prey
Check the ocean floor
Sealed indictments - More in store
God for the win
Check the scoreboard
We a team - next to kin
And now [they] need a lesson in
All our pain
All that suffering

It's about time
All in due time
All in good time
I'm talkin Delta Time

Red Tsunami comin
Watch The Water - It will stop at nothin
Waves higher
Harder when they crash in
White Squall ship
Ya better jump in
Cause this is BIGGER than a boat load
That's why Where One, We All Go

Anons know
Delta Time
It's on though

All roads lead to Rome
When the rubber really meets the road
Treason hangs on the U.S Code
Enjoy The Show - manic episode
It's not a game but it's 4D Chess
46, We'll see who's next
Return the King - let the pieces drop
Iron Eagle
White House
That's where Santa stops.

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