The Level Earth in a Song ~ Toto ~ 21st Century Blues

3 years ago

This is a MUST SEE this song says it all...we have been lied to about everything...

From a band who has sold more than 60 million albums, comes an Epic Song of Truth...Toto have spoken the Truth, and in particular, the Truth about God's Creation, from the very beginning...and they have never wavered...

In this song, Steve Lukather sings that he simply can no longer believe in the Lies of Organized Society, especially the BAAL Earth Satanic Lie, and proceeds to lay out the Common Sensical Truth that is our LEVEL, Stationary Earth...

So, sit back, relax, enjoy, and consider this...why would one of the most successful Rock bands in the history of Rock music risk EVERYTHING they have to write such a "controversial" song??? Answer? Because they KNOW that the Bible Teaches the Level, Still, Stationary Earth that is protected by the Firmament, a Gnosis that ALL Ancient Cultures and Scriptures shared in Unison with one another...

We have been lied to my Friends by the Cabal, and the Goodly, Godly Souls, like the Band Toto, are no longer standing in toleration...rather, they are Fighting back against the Lies with these Powerful Truths, and our gratitude to this Courageous and Brilliant Band is ENDLESS!

And if possible, please remember my Friends to support Colleen and I here in Mexico as we continue daily to expand and grow, through the Vibration of Love, our Animal Rescue Shelter. We have now reached 45 rescued animals (Dogs, Cats, Possums, Birds) and our costs of maintaining this beautiful journey has grown far beyond what Colleen and I can maintain on our own. Only through your kindness and generosity will we be able to continue our vital efforts to give LIFE to all of these precious creations of God! You can donate to us either through PayPal or Buymeacoffee by following the links provided below! Thank you!

Charlie's books:
A FreakSense World Group Page on MeWe:
Charlie's MeWe Page
A FreakSense World on Telegram:

To Support Charlie and Colleen's work and all of their Animals:
CharlieFreak777 & The Shire Animal Rescue Sanc:
The Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary PayPal page:

To Support Toni's work on the FreakSense World Groups, website and her own Rescue/Sanctuary for Senior and Special Needs Cats:

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