Part 02 - Is Krav Maga Effective?

3 years ago

Welcome to Part Two of the series, Is Krav Maga Effective? To reiterate from Part One, I've fielded a lot of questions over the years about Krav Maga, and I'm hesitant to give you my opinions. There is a lot of parochial infighting when it comes to self-defense, and that's not the point of this video. This is about the background of Krav Maga, and my opinions on its effectiveness to deliver real-world results. Most instructors are amazing, but again, it's about effectiveness to deliver injuries, how well the information is imparted to newcomers, and how a normal person can use it to defend themselves.

In Part Two here, we cover protective gear, specific training situations, and whether or not real injuries are effected that remove function from the other person.

00:00 Introduction
00:50 You're Not Always Bigger, Faster, Or Stronger. Don't Rely On Athleticism, But On Principled Techniques
01:17 Let's Watch The Video
02:06 A Few Pet Peeves Of Mine; There Is No Attacker & Victim. Remove Victim From Your Mind
02:40 Chaos Is Not A Good Way To Learn Multi-Man
03:29 Safety Gear Is A Double Edged Sword
04:00 Wisdom From A Corrections Officer & CERT deployments
04:59 Prisoners Staged A Fight To Learn About Weaknesses In Protective Equipment
06:56 Back To THe Video
07:26 Everything She Just Did Was Ineffective For Creating Injury
07:44 You Don't Know Anything About The Weapon, Or If You Can Use It
08:08 Base Principles Are To Leave The Other Person Non-Functional
09:06 Taking The Weapon Away And Leaving The Other Person Functional Is Very Dangerous
09:19 More In Part Three Of This Series - Difference Between Commercial And Real Krav Maga From An Israeli Instructor
09:41 In Closing & Please Subscribe To The Channel

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