Keybd vs. Leaf Buddi - Key Fob Vape For 510 Cartridges

3 years ago

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With so many concealed vaporizers are on the market, we decided to take a look at a small sub-division, Key Fob devices. Here we have the Keybd and Leaf Buddi V Pro, both available for purchase at

Both devices perform well, however there are slight differences between them. The Keybd comes with a built-in-charger while the Leaf Buddi comes with a micro USB charge cable. Both devices can hold up to an 11mm cartridge with out an issue and both are variable voltage (VV), which allow you to select your power output. The Leaf Buddi is the leader in the power section, having a little more power in each of its 3 power settings. They both fit really well in the hand, with the Keybd being slightly longer and narrower than the Leaf Buddi.

The Leaf Buddi V Pro and the Keybd by Cartisan are high quality devices with the vaper kept in mind. The decision is yours, just don't mix them up with your car key!

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