2019-03-12 - Announcing the 2019 Enoch Priestly Calendar

3 years ago

Calendar file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_Yi... - NOTES: 2019 Enoch Calendar
Enoch Calendar Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… - PLAYLIST: Enoch Calendar
Thanks Leeland. I've downloaded so can print out. I'm hoping that the more I look at the calendar and listen to your teaching on this, I'll end up understanding. :)
Amen. Bless you, many blessings to you.
I encourage getting the clock mechanism as well.
Especially the special one that measures the hours and days of the week as shown here: https://youtu.be/CkgLHyWaIlc?t=7m30s - VIDEO: Clock, Enoch Calendar and Sabbath Patterns Sep 13, 2015
There's a link in the description field of this one with the red and black hands for days and hours.
Explain to me the blue #2 circled on July 20th 2019 on this Enoch Calendar?
7 Ekklēsia - Smyrna https://youtu.be/ZZ4_ge4x8cM - VIDEO: New Sabbath Pattern - Smyrna and Philadelphia, Esthers Preperation Sep 4, 2016
1.      The song for the first Sabbath, focusing on the heavenly priesthood and the praise of its angelic princes. Apparently the songs were actually chanted in worship.
a.       4Q400 Frag. 1 Col. 1 1[A text belonging to the Instructor. The song accompanying the sacrifice on the] first [Sabbath,] sung on the fourth of the first month. Praise 2[the God of …,] you godlike beings of utter holiness; [rejoice] in his divine 3[kingdom. For He has established] utter holiness among the eternally holy, that they might become for Him priests 4[of the inner sanctum in His royal temple,] ministers of the Presence in His glorious innermost chamber. In the congregation of all the [wise] godlike beings, 5[and in the councils of all the] divine [spirits,] He has engraved His precepts to govern all spiritual works, and His [glorious] laws 6[for all the] wise [divine beings,] that sage congregation honored by God, those who draw near to knowledge. 7[…] eternal, and from the font of holiness to the temple of utter 8[holiness …] priests who draw near, ministers of the Presence of the utterly [holy] King 9[…] His glory. Precept by precept they shall grow strong, to be seven 10[eternal councils; for He] established them for Himself to be the most hol[y of those who minister in the H]oly of Holies. 11[…] They shall become mighty thereby in accordance with the council […] 12[…] the Holy of Holies, pr[iests of … the]se are the princes of 13[… who take thei]r stand in the temples of the King […] in their realm or within their inheritance 14[…] They tolerate none who trans[gress] the true Way, nor is t[her]e any unclean in their holy ranks. 15[The precepts governing the hol]y ones has He inscribed for them, that all the eternally holy might thereby be sanctified. He has purified the pure 16[who belong to the light, that they may recom]pense all those who transgress the true Way, and make atonement for those who repent of sin, obtaining for them His good pleasure. 17[He has given tongues of] knowledge to the priests who draw near, so that from their mouths issue the teachings governing all the holy ones, together with the precepts 18[concerning His glory …] His [lov]ing-kindness for eternal forgiveness is rooted in compassion, but in the vengeance of His zeal 19[…] He established for Himself priests who draw near, the utterly holy ones 20[… di]vi[ne] godlike beings, priests of the highest heaven who [dra]w near […] Col. 2 1[Your] lofty kingdom […] 2exalted […] 3the glory of Your kingdom […] 4in the gates of the highest heaven […] 5[…] the spirit of all […] 6the holy ones of utter holiness[…] 7the King of the divine beings who inhabit the seven [holy] t[emples …] 8the glory of the King. […] 9His glory in the council of the god[like beings …] 10for the seven paths […] 11for the precepts governing stillness in the […] 12for eternity. […] 13they shall exalt His glory […] 14the King of the princes of […] 15holy ones […] 16holy ones of […] 17godlike beings and […] 18righteousness. […] 19the priestho[od of …] 20the loving-kindness of G[od …] 21to sanctify themselves in […]  
2.      A portion of the song for the second Sabbath, containing a description of the elite priestly angels and deprecating human worship in comparison with that of the angels.
a.       Frag. 2 1Wonderfully to praise Your glory among the wise divine beings, extolling Your kingdom among the utterly h[oly.] 2They are honored in all the camps of the godlike beings and feared by those who direct human affairs, won[drous] 3beyond other divine beings and humans alike. They tell of His royal splendor as they truly know it, and exalt [His glory in all] 4the heavens of His rule. [They sing] wonderful psalms according to [their insight] throughout the highest heaven, and declare [the surpassing] 5glory of the King of the godlike beings in the stations of their habitation. […] 6How shall we be reckoned among them? As what our priesthood in their habitations? [How shall our holi]ness [compare with their utter] 7holiness? [What] is the praise of our mortal tongue alongside their div[ine] knowledge? […]  
3.      Song for the third Sabbath: nothing known because no fragments are extant  
4.      Fragments of the song for the fourth Sabbath. The themes of this song can no longer be discerned. The first portion preserves the beginning of the song, the second stood near the end.
a.       4Q401 Frags. 1–2 1A text belonging to the Instructor. The so[ng accompanying the sacrifice on the fourth Sabbath, sung on] the twenty-[fifth] of [the first mo]nth. 2Praise the Go[d of …] 3[…] who stand before […] 4the king[dom of …] with all the ch[iefs of …] 5the King of the god[like beings …] 
4Q402 Frag. 1 2[…] when they come with the godlike beings of 3[…] together for all of their assemblies 4[…] their mi[ght] for all the powerful warriors 5[…] for all the rebellious councils […]
The end of the fifth Sabbath’s song.Themes include angelic warfare, presumably in the Last Days, and God’s predestination of all events in creation (cf. Cols. 3–4 of text 7).
a.       *Frags. 3–4 5They shall be judged […] and they shall not come to the Yahad […] 6without [… those who pro]vide the plan[s] and the knowledge of the utt[erly holy …] 7light and insigh[t …] the war of the godlike beings in the […] 8removing […] Surely the [weap]ons of war[f]ar[e] belong to the God of divine beings [… the armies] 9of heaven and the won[ders of all the] divine [spirits] shall run at [His] command, while the voice of tumult [… with] 10His might, ar[mies of] divine [spirits] at war in the clouds. But [the victory] shall belong [to the God of divine beings.] 11God [by His knowledge has created] wonderful new works. All these has He wondrously created; none can comprehend His glorious plan. 12To the King of the [wise] godlike beings belong all matters of knowledge; indeed, the God of knowledge causes all that happens forever. Through His knowledge 13and by means of His glorious plan all the eternal seasons have come to be. He has created the former things at their times, and the latter things 14at the time appointed for them. None among those who are knowledgeable—those to whom revelation has come—can grasp these things before He does them; even when He brings them into existence, none can truly comprehend them. None of the divine beings 15understands what He has designed, for these things are part of His glorious creation, and were [part] of His [plan] before ever they came to be.  
6.      The song for the sixth Sabbath. Each of the seven chief princes recites a psalm; then in order each of the same seven beings offers a blessing.
a.       Mas1k Frag. 1 8[A text belonging to the Instructor. The son]g accompanying the sacrifice on the sixth Sabbath, sung on the ninth of the [second] month.  9[Bless the Go]d of the godlike beings, you who inhabit the highest heaven 10[…] Holy of Holies, and exalt His glory 11[…] knowledge of the eternal godlike beings. 12[…] those called to the highest of heights […] 
Frag. 2 [A psalm of blessing will be spoken in the language of the first chief prince] 1to the [eternal] God, [incorporating his language’s seven wondrous blessings. Then he will bless] 2the Kin[g of all the eternally holy seven times with seven] 3[wondrous words of blessing. A psalm of exaltation will be spoken in the language of the second chief prince to the King] 4of truth and [righteousness, incorporating his language’s seven wondrous exaltations. Then he will magnify the God] 5of all the div[ine beings who are appointed for righteousness seven times with seven words of] 6[wondrous] exaltation. [A psalm of glorification will be spoken in the language of the] 
4Q403 Frag. 1 Col. 1(with Mas1k Frag. 2, 4Q404 Frags. 1–2, and 4Q405 Frag. 3 Col. 2) 1third chief prince, a glorification of His faithfulness directed to the King of the angels, incorporating his language’s seven wondrous glorifications. Then he will glorify the God of the exalted angels seven times with seven words of wondrous glorification. 2A psalm of praise will be spoken in the language of the four[th] to the Warrior who is over all the godlike beings, incorporating his language’s seven wondrous warrior utterances. Then he will praise the God of 3warrior power seven times with seve[n] words of [wondrous] prai[se. A ps]alm of thanksgiving will be spoken in the language of the fifth to the glorious [K]in[g,] 4incorporating his language’s seven wondrous tha[nk]sgivings. Then he will thank the glorified God seven times [with sev]en [wo]rds of wondrous thanksgiving. [A psa]lm of rejoicing 5will be spoken in the language of the sixth to the God of goodness, incorporating his language’s seven cries of [wondrous] rejoicing. Then he will cry out with rejoicing to the King of goodness seven times with s[even words of] wondrous rejoicing. 6A psalm of musical praise will be spoken in the language of the seventh [chief] pri[nce,] a powerful musical praise to the God of holiness incorporating his language’s seven wond[erful praise elements.] 7Then he will sing praise to the King of holiness seven times with [seven] wondrous words of musical [praise,] together with seven psalms of blessing to Him, seven 8psalms of exaltation of His righteousness, seven psalms of glorification of His kingdom, seven psalms of pra[ise of His glory,] seven psalms of thanksgiving for His wondrous doings, 9seven psa[lms of re]joicing for His might and seven psalms of musical praise of His holiness. The generations of […] seven times with seven 10wondrous words, words of […] [Then] in the name of the glory of God [the first of] the ch[ief] princes [will bl]ess [all the … and all] the wise [with seven] wondrous [w]ords, 11blessing all th[ei]r councils in [His holy] temple [with se]ven wondr[ous] wo[r]ds, [and ble]ssing those who know eternal things. [In the name of] His truth [the second] 12[chief prince will bless] all [their] stati[ons with] sev[en] wondrous words. Indeed, he shall bless with seven [marvelous] words. 13[He will also bless all who exalt the] King with seven words of His marvelous glory, and he will bless all who are eternally pure. 14[In the name of] His exalted kingdom the th[ird of the chief princes will bless] all who are exalted in knowledge with seven words of exaltation, blessing all [the divine beings] 16wise [in His truth.] Indeed, he shall bless with seven marvelous words. He will also bless all those [appointed for] righteousness with sev[en] marvelous [w]ords. In the name of the majes[tic ki]ng [the fourth] 17of the chief princes will bless all who wal[k upri]ght with [sev]en maj[estic] words. He will also bless those who establish majesty with seven 18[wondrous w]ords, blessing all the divine beings [who draw] near to [His] verit[able] truth with seven righteous words, so that they can gain [His glor]ious compassion. In the name of His [majestic] wonders the fifth 19[chief prin]ce will bless all who comprehend the mysteries of pure [insight] with seven w[ords] of [His] exalted 20truth. [He will also bless] all who are quick to do His will with seven [wondrous words,] blessing those who confess Him with seven majestic [wo]rds comprising 21a wondrous thanksgiving. In the name of the warrior deeds of the divine beings the sixth chief prince will bless all who are insightful warriors with seven 22wondrous words of His warrior power. He will also bless all who are perfect in the Way with seven wondrous words, that they might continue forever in the company of all the [eter]nal 23beings. Yet again will he bless all who wait for Him with seven wondrous words, that His compassionate loving-kindness might return to them. In the name of His holiness the [sev]enth chief priest 24will bless all the holy who establish knowledge with seven words of [His] wondrous holiness. He will also bless all who exalt 25His laws with se[ven] wondrous [wo]rds that act as mighty shields. Yet again will he bless all who are prede[stined] for righteous[ness,] they who praise His glorious kingdom [forever and] ever, 26with seven wondrous words that lead to eternal peace. Then in [the name of His holiness] all the [chief] princes [will bless in unis]on the God of divine beings with all 27[their] sevenfold appointed words of blessing. They will also bless those predestined for righteousness and all those blessed of […] the eternally [bless]ed […] 28to them, saying “Blessed be [the] Lord, the Kin[g of] all, exalted above every blessing and pr[aise, He who blesses all the ho]ly who bless [Him] and those [who declare His righteous]ness 29in the name of His glory, [He who] blesses all who receive blessing, forever.”
7.      The seventh and central Sabbath song.The angels addressed are probably the members of the seven angelic councils. Toward the end of the song, the animate architectural elements of the heavenly temple are called upon to praise.
a.       30A text belonging to the Instructor. The song accompanying the sacrifice on the seventh Sabbath, sung on the sixteenth of the (second) month. Praise the most high God, you who are exalted among all 31the wise divine beings. Let those who are holy among the godlike sanctify the glorious King, He who sanctifies by His holiness each of His holy ones. You princes of praise 32among all the godlike, praise the God of majestic [pr]aise. Surely the glory of His kingdom resides in praiseworthy splendor; therein are held the praises of all 33the godlike, together with the splendor of [His] entire rea[lm.] Lift His exaltation on high, you godlike among the exalted divine beings—His glorious divinity above 34all the highest heavens. Surely He [is the utterly divine] over all the exalted princes, King of king[s] over all the eternal councils. By the wise will—35through the words of His mouth—shall come into being all [the exalted godlike]; at the utterance of His lips all the eternal spirits shall exist. All the actions of His creatures are but what His wise 36will allows. Rejoice, you who exult in [knowing Him, with] a song of rejoicing among the wondrous godlike. Hymn His glory with the tongue of all who hymn to His wondrous, joy-filled knowledge, 37with the mouth of all who chant [to Him. Surely He] is God of all who rejoice in eternal wisdom, and mighty Judge over all perceptive spirits. 38Laud, all you confessing divine beings, the King of praise; surely all the wise divine shall laud His glory, and all the righteous spirits His truth. 39Through the precepts of His mouth is their knowledge found acceptable, at the return of His warrior hand to dispense judgment is their praise perfected. Sing praises to the mighty God, 40make the choicest spiritual offering; make me[lod]y in the joy of God, and rejoice among the holy ones through wondrous melodies, in everl[asting] joy. 41With such songs shall all the [foundations of the hol]y of holies offer praise, and the pillars bearing the most exalted abode, even all the corners of the temple’s structure. Hy[mn] 42the G[od a]wesome in power, [all you] wise [spirits] of light; together laud the utterly brilliant firmament that girds [His] holy temple. 43[Praise] Him, godli[ke] spirits, laud[ing] eternally the firmament of the uttermost heaven, all [its bea]ms and walls, all 44its [stru]cture and crafted desi[gn.] The utterly holy spirits, living divinities, eternally holy spirits above 45all the hol[y ones …] wondrous and wonderful, majesty and splendor and marvel. Glory abides in the perfected light of knowledge 46[… in a]ll the wondrous temples, divine spirits surrounding the abode of the righteous and true King. All its walls […] 
Col. 2 (with 4Q404 Frag. 6 and 4Q405 Frags. 8–9)1perfect light, a weaving of an utterly holy spiritual substance […] 2raised places of knowledge. At the footstool of his feet, […] 3appearance of the glorious bodies belonging to the princes of the spiritual kingdom […] 4His glory; and with all their turning back, the gates of […] 5the flashing of the [lig]htning […] to the chief of the godlike beings of […] 6running between them are god[li]ke beings having the appearance of [glowing] coals […] 7walking to and fro. The utterly holy spirits […] 8the utterly holy, divine spirits, an ete[rnal] vision […] 9and divine spirits, fiery shapes round about the […] 10wondrous spirits. And the most exalted tabernacle, the glory of His kingdom, innermost sanctuary of […] 11and He consecrates the seven lofty holy places. A voice of blessing issues forth from the princes of His innermost sanctuary […] 12and the voice of blessing is glorious in the hearing of the divine beings and those who establish […] 13the blessing. All the crafted furnishings of the innermost sanctum shall hasten to take part in the wondrous psalms in the innermost sanctum. […] 14of wonder, sanctum to sanctum with the sound of thronging holy ones. All the crafted furnishings […] 15The chariots of His innermost sanctum shall offer praise as one, and their Cherubim and wheel-beings shall marvelously bless […] 16the chiefs of the divine building. They shall praise Him in His holy innermost sanctum.  
8.      The eighth Sabbath song, containing an account of the blessings offered by the seven deputy princes.
a.       18A text belonging to the Instructor. The song accompanying the sacrifice on the eighth Sabbath, sung on the t[wenty-]third [of the second month.] Praise the God of all the highe[st heavens, al]l you who are [eter]nally holy, 19deputies among the priests who draw near, the second council in the wondrous habitation among the seven [priesthoods, …] among those knowledgeable of 20eternal things. Exalt Him, princes who rule, with His portion, His wonders. Praise [the God of the godlike,] you seven priest[hoods] who draw near to Him … highest] 21heaven, seven wondrous realms set out by the precepts governing His temples. […] the temples of the realm of the 22sevenfold priest[hood,] in the wondrous temple belonging to the seven holy councils […] 23the prince, the angels of the King in the wondrous habitations. The perceptive knowledge of the seven […] 24princes, the High Priest of the inner sanctum, and the leaders of the King’s council in a gathering […] 25and exalted praises to the glorious King, magnifying the Go[d of …] 26to the God of the godlike, the King of purity. The exaltation coming from their tongues […] 27seven mysteries of knowledge in the wondrous mystery attached to the seven utterly holy realms [… The tongue of the first deputy prince shall sound seven times louder when joined by that of the second; the tongue] of the second shall sound 28seven times louder when joined by that of the third; the tongue of the third shall sound seven times louder when joined by that of the [fourth; the tongue of] the fourth shall sound seven times louder when joined by that of the fifth; the tongue of the fifth shall sound sev[en times louder when joined by the tongue of] 29the sixth; the tongue of the sixth shall sound seven times louder when joined by that of the se[ve]nth; and the tongue of the seventh shall so[und …]  
9.      A portion of the song for the ninth Sabbath, which would fall on the thirtieth of the second month. What remains describes the vestibules of the multiple heavenly sanctuaries, particularly the vestibule through which God enters.
a.       4Q405 Frags. 14–15 Col. 1 2[… From] the wondrous spiritual likeness, utterly holy and engrav[ed …, issues a to]ngue of blessing, and from the [divine] image 3issues [a vo]ice of blessing to the King of the exalted angels. Their wondrous praise extols the God of the godlike […] their embroidered […], and they sing joyously4[…] the vestibules of their entryways, utterly holy spirits who draw near in […] eternally. 5[The like]ness of living divine beings is carved on the walls of the vestibules by which the King enters, luminous spiritual figures [in the innermost sanctums of the K]ing, figures of glorious li[ght,] wondrous spirits. 6[In] the midst of the glorious spirits stand wondrous embroidered works, figures of living divine beings [… in the] glorious [in]nermost sanctums that belong to the structure of 7the utterly ho[ly temple,] in the innermost sanctums of the King are div[ine] figure[s; and from] the likeness of […]
10.  A fragment of the song for the tenth Sabbath. Like the song for the ninth Sabbath, the central theme here is apparently description of the heavenly temples.
a.       Frag. 15 Col. 2 + Frag. 16 1The fringed edge […] 2and rivers of fire […] 3appearing as fiery flames [… be]autiful upon the veil of the King’s innermost sanctum […] 4in the innermost sanctum of His Presence, an embroidered work […] everything that is engraved upon the […], divine figures […] 5glory issuing from both sides of them […] the veils of the wondrous innermost sanctums. They bless the […] 6sides of them, declaring […] wondrous, inside the innermost sanctum […] 7[… They ex]tol the glorious king with a joyous cry […]  
11.  Portions from the middle and end of the eleventh Sabbath song. Description of the heavenly temples and architecture continues, focusing here on the innermost sanctuaries, the chariot-thrones, and attendant priestly angels.
a.       Frags. 19a–d (with 11Q17 Frags. 12–15) 2Then the divine figures, the ut[terly holy] spirits, shall praise Him […] the glorious figures, the floor 3of the wondrous innermost sanctuaries, the spirits of the perpetual divine beings—all […] the fig[ures of the inner]most sanctuary of the King, spir[it]ual handiwork of the wondrous firmament 4made utterly pure, [spi]rits of knowledge, truth and righteousness in the Holy of [H]olies, [f]orms of the living godlike beings, luminous spiritual forms—5all these h[ol]y handiworks are wondrously connected to each other. Embroidered [spirits,] figures of the godlike beings, are engraved 6all around the [gl]orious bricks; these are glorious figures, handiwork belonging to the splendid and majest[ic bri]cks. All these handiworks are living godlike beings 7and their figures are holy angels. From beneath the marvelous inn[ermost sanctums] is heard the quiet voice of god[like] beings praising […]
Frag. 20 Col. 2 + Frags. 21–22 (with 11Q17 Frags. 3–6) 1They do not hesitate when they arise … the innermost sanc]tums of all the priests who draw near […] 2In obedience to the ordinance they are steadfast, serving […] a seat similar to His royal throne in His glorious innermost sanctums. They do not sit […] 3His glorious chariots […] holy Cherubim, luminous wheel-beings in the inner[most sanctum …] godlike spirits of […] purity […] 4of holiness; the handiwork of its corners […] royal; the glorious chario[t] seats […] knowledgeable wings […] wondrous works of warrior power […] 5perpetual truth and righteousness […] when His glorious chariots move to the […] they do not turn to this side or that [… rather,] they go straight ahead […]  
12.  The twelfth Sabbath song. Remaining portions contain a description of God’s chariot-throne and its praise. The text then moves to an account of praise given by the angels, who are assembled military-style in camps and units. The latter part of the song focuses on the ceremonial angelic worship taking place in the heavenly temple.
a.       6A text belonging to the Instructor. The song accompanying [the sacrifice] on the twelfth Sabbath, sung on the [twenty-first of the third month.] [Praise the God of …] 7[…] Exalt Him, […] the glory in the tabernacl[e of the God of] knowledge. The [Cheru]bim fall before Him and bless Him; as they arise, the quiet voice of God 8[is heard], followed by a tumult of joyous praise. As they unfold their wings, God’s q[uiet] voice is heard again. The Cherubim bless the image of the chariot-throne that appears above the firmament, 9[then] they joyously acclaim the [splend]or of the luminous firmament that spreads beneath His glorious seat. As the wheel-beings advance, holy an)gels come and go. Between 10His chariot-throne’s glorious [w]heels appears something like an utterly holy spiritual fire. All around are what appear to be streams of fire, resembling electrum, and [sh]ining handiwork 11comprising wondrous colors embroidered together, pure and glorious. The spirits of the living [go]dlike beings move to and fro perpetually, following the glory of the [wo]ndrous chariots. 12A quiet voice of blessing accompanies the tumult of their movement, and they bless the Holy One each time they retrace their steps. When they rise up, they do so wondrously, and when they settle down, 13they [sta]nd still. The sound of joyous rejoicing falls silent, and the qui[et] blessing of God spreads through all the camps of the divine beings. The sound of prais[es] […] 14[…] coming out of each of their divisions on [both] sides, and each of the mustered troops rejoices, one by one in order of rank […] 
11Q17 Frags. 5–6 1[…] wondrous, knowledge and insigh[t …] wondr[ous] firmaments […] 2[…] in the essence of light, a splendor of […] every form of wond[rous] spirits […] 3[…] godlike beings, fearfully powerful, all […] their [utt]erly wondrous acts by the power of the God of […] 4[per]petual, exalting the warrior acts of the Go[d of …] from the four foundations (Ezk 41:8)of the wondrous firmament 5they ann[oun]ce when they hear the sound of praise lifted up to God, […] blessing and praising the God of 6the godlike. A tumu[lt …] the highest [heaven …] the glorious King […] of the wondrous foundations, 7lifting up praise […] of the God of […] and all their foundations […] utterly 8hol[y …] praise lifted up […] their [w]ings, ex[alting … over] their heads, 9and they cal[l] out […] 
4Q405 Frag. 23 Col. 11[…] when they lift up praise […] 2[…] When they stand still, […] 3[…] His glorious royal thrones, and the entire congregation of the ministers of 4[…] wondrous; the [wondrous] godlike beings shall not be shaken, forever; 5[… to rem]ain steadfast in every task, for the godlike beings in charge of His whole offering 6[…] His whole offering. The godlike beings praise Him [when fir]st they take their positions, while all the sp[irits of] the splendid firma[m]ents 7continuously rejoice in His glory. A voice of blessing comes from all of His divisions, telling of His glorious firmaments, and His gates praise 8with a joyful noise. When the wise divine beings enter through glorious portals, and when the holy angels go forth to their realms, 9the portals through which they enter and the gates through which they exit declare the glory of the King, blessing and praising all the godlike 10spirits each time they exit or enter through the holy ga[t]es. None of them omits a precept or fails to acknowledge anything 11the King says. They neither run from the Way nor reverence anything not a part of it; they consider themselves neither too exalted for His realm nor 12too humble for His commissions. He shall have no compassion when His furious annihilat[ing] anger reigns, yet He will not punish those from whom His glorious anger was removed. 13Awesome fear of the King of the godlike beings grips a[ll] of the godlike [when He sends them forth] on all of His commissions according to His veri[ta]ble order, and they go […]  
13.  The thirteenth Sabbath song. Portions of this selection concern the clothing worn by the ministering spirits.
a.       11Q17 Frags. 7–8 1[…] good favor […] all th[eir] works 2[…] for the sacrifices of the holy ones […] the smell of their offerings […] 3[…] and the sm[el]l of their drink offerings, according to the num[ber of …] of purity in a spirit of holine[ss] 4[…] perpetual in [splendor and] majesty for […] the wondrous […] and the form of the breastplates of 5[… be]auty [… spirits] clothed with embroidery, a sort of wo[ven handiwork …] splendidly purified dyed garments […] 
4Q405 Frag. 23 Col. 2 7their holy places. At their wondrous stations are spirits, clothed with embroidery, a sort of woven handiwork, engraved with splendid figures. 8In the midst of what looks like glorious scarlet and colors of utterly holy spiritual light, the spirits take up their holy stand in the presence of 9the [K]ing—[splendidly] colored spirits surrounded by the appearance of whiteness. This latter glorious spiritual substance is like golden handiwork, shimmering in 10[the lig]ht. All their crafted garments are splendidly purified, crafted by the weaver’s art. These spirits are the leaders of those who are wondrously clothed for service, 11the leaders of each and every holy kingdom belonging to the holy King, who serve in all the exalted temples of His glorious realm. 12The leaders of the exaltation possess tongues of knowledge [so as] to bless the God of knowledge for all His glorious works. [In] His insightful knowledge and [glo]rious acumen [He has inscribed the ord]inances governing their military units in all the hol[y inn]er [sanctums.] 
11Q17 Frags. 2 + 1 + 9 1[… His] glorious heights […] His [gl]ory with […] 2His [rec]ompense by judgments of […] His compassion with the gl[orious] honor of […] His [s]easons 3[and] all the blessings of [His] peace [… the gl]ory of His works, and in the ligh[t of …] and with the splendor of 4the praise given Him in all the firmam[ents of …] light and darkness and the figures of […] the glorious [ho]liness of the King 5for all [His] veritable works […] for the angels of knowledge in all [their] king[doms …] His [cam]p, holy exaltations 6for His glorious thrones and the footstool of [His] f[eet and all] His majestic [ch]ariots and [His] ho[ly] inner sanctums […] and for the portals of [the Kin]g’s entrance, 7together with all the exits of [… the cor]ners of its str[uc]ture and all the […] for His glorious temples and the firmaments of […]
Do you have a web site and more info to read from??
Just YouTube but there a lot of chart here: https://youtu.be/17vNDBNe7Gs - VIDEO: Announcing the 2018 Enoch Calendar Feb 9, 2018
And in Enoch Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gbKHuzwdzSj0RZiZNPN3ffw - PLAYLIST: Enoch Calendar
I thought you said the calendar begins the day after... the equinox?
It's year 6 of a calendar of 364 days in a solar cycle of 365.25 days. Do the math.
Leland, did you include Adar II in this 2019 calendar - to reflect the added month? Thank you.
There's no leap month on the Enoch Calendar
Leeland, what's the circle around the numbers? For example, November 2nd has a 4 circled. Is that the number of the course for that priest?
https://youtu.be/ZZ4_ge4x8cM The 7 Ekklesia in a year. 4 is Thyatira - VIDEO: New Sabbath Pattern - Smyrna and Philadelphia, Esthers Preperation Sep 4, 2016
Thanks, but I am confused about a couple things. When I googles sunset and sunrise times in Israel it came up that March 16 sunrise 5:50, sunset 5:49, March 17 sunrise was 5:49, sunset 5:50, March 18 sunrise 5:48, sunset 5:51. I did go out to try to verify in my region the sunrise accuracy from google. So is not March 16 or 17th ? the true equinox? If the 16th or 17th is the date, should not the 1st of Nissan or Abib or the 1st day or the 1st month follow March 17th which would make March 18th Monday the new year? Why are we saying that the 20th is the new year. Should not that be Nissan 3? Also, how do we know that the forth day of the week is Wednesday? If we know the world calendar is so full of Paganism, why would we believe the forth day of the week of God's calendar is also the forth day of the week in the Gorgorian calendar? I am really trying to determine when our real Passover is. Someone else L.Lott says it is April 1st and my Hebrew calendar is a dead lie showing it in late April 19th, 2019. I am not here to disagree with you, I am confused as to the real equinox and how can we trust Wednesday is the forth day on God's calendar?
I'll have spring equinox readings from Jerusalem soon. The days of the week are right and Saturn Day is day 7.
The ancients knew the asteroid belt was once a planet thus making Saturn the 7th from the Sun. The Days are Sun (1), Moon (2), then (3) Mars, (4) Mercury, (5) Jupiter, (6) Venus, (7) Saturn
The Woman Clothed with the Sun (1) and the Moon (2) at her feet has a Crown of 12 Stars/Planets. Same 7 as the Days of the Week plus 5 in Alpha Omega's right hand.
"All glory, honor and power to our heavenly Father who has created all, and because of His desire they are and were created." Rev 4:11 Hi Leeland! I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing Abba Father to reveal this calendar and timing to you that is representative of His Throne. He used you as a second witness to me regarding the 4 creatures and the 4 watches. I received a word whispered in my ear of Revelation 4 about a month ago. I have read it many times but went to read it again and it was revealed to me many things, but one was that the 4 living creatures that have eyes within and without represent time/watches. Nobody that I have shown this to has understood what I am saying so I was beginning to think that I was just making stuff up. But then I thought, how could I make this up, I wouldn't even know where to begin... I am not smart enough to make that up. LOL. Well, I printed your calendar out last week and have been praying over it and studying it and asking the Father about it and just saw yesterday that you have the 4 living creatures and the 4 watches that cry Holy, Holy, Holy at the top of the page with the "clock," Throne on it. I had it as the last page when I printed it so I just saw it yesterday. Anyway, all that to say that I am so grateful to our Father for giving me this second witness through you and your relationship with Him!!! Thank you for your relationship with Him, it has deepened my relationship with Him! My husband and I continue to lift you up in prayer and send you much love!
Amen. Yes I'm amazed at what people haven't picked up on as I've been doing this stuff for years so it's 2nd nature. I got the calendar from this very detail of the 4 living creatures making 3 cries of Holy! Thus 4 x 3 equals 12 hours and they cry 12 hours of "day" and 12 hours of "night." These are the 4 Seasons of the Year x 3 Months in a Season of coarse 12 months a year. Time is very simple.
Complete chaos sorry Leeland Book of Enoch stated first day of Month is with a new moon first crescent light. First day was Friday sunset 5th April and according to DSS calendar the first Sabbath comes 3 days after the new moon on day 4 then 11 then Passsover falls on 18th April sunset which is 14th day of Aviv , 15th day Aviv is Feast of Unleavened Bread. Your main problem is you have used a full moon to designate a first day of Aviv
Chapter and Verse? Dead Sea Scroll calendar has Full Moon Abib 1 not my idea

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