2018-04-21 - The Enoch Calendar and Giza Pyramid

3 years ago

Great Pyramid Calendar https://youtu.be/d816AkwMbHM - VIDEO: Khufu's hidden calendar VÉGSŐ 1 Apr 3, 2011 (goandras)
Graphics from here: https://youtu.be/d816AkwMbHM​ - VIDEO: Khufu's hidden calendar VÉGSŐ 1 Apr 3, 2011 (goandras)
Thanks to channel "top secret": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oT...​ - YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Top Secret
Enoch Calendar Key https://youtu.be/wvan5oLnGmU - VIDEO: Why the Book of Enoch and the Calendar Key Sep 8, 2016
Creation Timeline https://youtu.be/8Z14iOxogBw - VIDEO: Creation Timeline, Prophesy & Giza Pyramid Dec 7, 2017
Enoch Calendar Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - PLAYLIST: Enoch Calendar
Chart of Interior https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lAlY... - NOTES: Giza Dates
http://pillar-of-enoch.com - WEBSITE: Pillar of Enoch
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHcQ... - NOTES: No Longer Available
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1smCX… - NOTES: Great-Pyramid-Interior_2012Revision
Wow, those shadows on the Great Pyramid are so amazing. I did not know the purpose of the smaller pyramids was to pinpoint the equinoxes - what a discovery ! Some archaeologists believe the great pyramids were built before Noah's Flood and that Antediluvian knowledge was recorded on them. In the book "Pyramid Illusions: A Journey to the Truth"; by Moustafa Gadalla - he states that the pyramids have been patterned along the Nile after the pattern of the major stars in the Milky Way. And then there is the Christ angel of the two inner corridors which prophetically foretold the time of Christ's first coming. These pyramids contain so many mysteries - they are definitely God's time pieces. Thank you so much for the beautiful video.
thanks so much for the comment. Most comments share my enthusiasm for these discoveries but I wonder who actually understands what's being said in the message. It's clear you see the 3 small East Pyramids as a time piece, there are also 3 small South facing Pyramids, with the main 3 makes for 9 total. Im not sure what the 3 South Pyramids function as but I'm now convinced all 9 pre-date the Egyptians and the Great Flood. They basically dug tombs under 8 of the 9. In the next video I show how the upper portion of the Sphinx was damaged in the Flood and Khufu put a head on it. I didn't realize it was made with small stone blocks which are not as obvious when looking at photos. I've spent 2 weeks here in museums, in Saqqarah and 3 days in the Pyramid complex. And it becomes so obvious that the tombs under those major 9 Pyramids were afterthoughts and not constructed with hieroglyphs, ornate works and materials. The structures were there, they dug tunnels and put tombs in them. But if you see their other tombs when they built the structures, Wow! Amazing hieroglyphs, painting on the walls and carefully constructed sarcophagus, completely different. I believe the lesser 2 main Pyramids may also have undiscovered chambers like the Great Pyramid giving more insight into the purpose of the structure. There's a new chamber found in the great Pyramid but it has yet to be accessed.
This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNpRbGteGmQ - VIDEO: ENOCH | Great Pyramid Of Egypt | The Builder?? Myth or reality? Jul 12, 2017
........shows how the Khufu inscription was placed later. The Great Pyramid has no inscriptions. The 9 are pre-flood, the Egyptians populated the area after the Flood and tower of Babel.
Praise Jesus. Spiritually I never was anything but a stranger in Babylon. Long before I knew him, he knew me. Everytime I went the wrong way, he showed me (often to my face). Now he has given me a position where I can learn all these thing through messengers like you, Leeland. Even if I am sick and broke, I am blessed and do not worry too much about my future. I have prayed that he keep on showing me what I need to work on - and that's clearly pride. I thought I was humble, but I am not (maybe because of all my useless knowlegde?).
This is for real-though. Keeping your model of New Jerusalem in mind, here's something to ponder: https://youtu.be/6_kBOzZnmT8 - VIDEO: Flat Earth: Discovering The Dome Apr 19, 2018 (Don't Sphere The Truth)
List of dates predicted:
2141 Abraham birth
1452 Exodus
33 Christ crucifixion
1521 Protestant reformation
1914 WW 2
1949 Israel
2010 King enthroned
The Great Pyramid's water pump and moat: https://youtu.be/QDUwD59OYzI - VIDEO: The Great Pyramid of Egypt: The Well Shaft and The Grotto Explained | Ancient Architects Apr 20, 2018 (Ancient Architects)
I also a Playlist of 27 messages on the topic (; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gbKHuzwdzSj0RZiZNPN3ffw - PLAYLIST: Enoch Calendar
Leeland, where do I get these charts in this video? The links don't go to the twelve months of the sun chart.
This one? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8Ecs0hswFZcndHdkllSDFZY2s/view?usp=drivesdk - NOTES: CalendarKey
And the 3 small south facing ones show timing of the Moon. It matches the 364 day calendar in the Book of Enoch.
I wish I could have shown this on site but here's the purpose of the 3 small south facing Pyramids.
It's a 2 year lunar cycle of 364 days a year just like the Enoch Calendar. https://youtu.be/YpQkLKuVWFw - VIDEO: Menkaure's Hidden Calendar Jul 16, 2013 (Nagy Attila)
Menkaure’s Hidden Calendar.
The three small pyramids situated on the southern side of the pyramid of Menkaure, when viewed in southern direction, make the division of the year into exactly 4 x 7 = 28 days. This can be done by observing the Moon as it changes from the new moon, crescent half-moon, full moon and waning moon during each 28 days. This allows for division into 7, 14, 21 and 28 days (see link below), by means of which 2 year period can be exactly divided into 26 x 28 = 728 days and 364 days in one year.
The 728 days can be divided by 14 almost completely, showing exactly 52 repetitions with the division by 14 mentioned in the drawings.
The rest amounts to 0.3% every two years. http://blog.world-mysteries.com/mystic-places/giza-the-time-machine/ - WEBSITE: Giza-The Time Machine - World Mysteries Blog
I'll tell you what I saw today.
Isa 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
*Here we have a "Circle"
40:23 That bringeth the Princes to nothing; he maketh the Judges of the earth as vanity.
*Princes and Judges are the Manchild
24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their *stock shall not take root in the earth (not earthly minded) and He shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind (Lord in clouds) shall take them away as stubble.
*Stock here is "Geh'zah" in Hebrew h1503. גֶּזַא the trunk or stump of a tree (as felled or as planted): — stem. Same pronunciation as Giza.
Isa 19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour (Manchild), and a great one, and he shall deliver them. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria
1/3 means "Triangle" or "pyramid" /\ or lines drawn in the shape of a pyramid over 3 points/nations.
And I Like verse 21 And the Lord shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it.
Ps 144:10 It is he that giveth salvation unto kings: who delivereth David his servant from the hurtful sword.
12 That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace
*144,000 casing stones

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