2017-02-08 - Announcing the 2017 Enoch Calendar

3 years ago

"2017 Enoch Calendar
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8E... - NOTES: 2017 Calendar"
Week clock mechanism http://coastaltideclocks.com/724b-day... - WEBSITE: Coastal Tide Clocks - 724-3 DAY OF THE WEEK 24-HOUR QUARTZ CLOCK MOTOR & 3 INCH HAND
Sabbath pattern https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1upPS8p2xtqNzzdhDlM46_Rbj7rZHHNgI - NOTES: 7 Ekklesia pg 6
"Calendar key
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8Ecs0hswFZcndHdkllSDFZY2s/view?usp=drivesdk - NOTES: Calendar Key"
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PyTdVzyUI8WeclwjfMwaNAsGwLDaFgz - NOTES: Calendar 2017; Calendar 2018; EnochCalendar 2019; EnochCalendar 2020; 2021to 2023
Thank you for this video! Do you know why some calculate the new year being March 11, 2017 and not the 15th?
There are many opinions on the year start. I did all the research several years ago and don't follow anyone else's calendar. People are very passionate about this but also get very angry and start cursing you for some reason. I present the info and let the people decide for themselves.
why do you start it on march 15?
That and many of your other questions are covered here https://youtu.be/-uMYRnl8F4k - VIDEO: Critical you know Enoch Calendar with Solar/Lunar Eclipses, FAQs Mar 21, 2016
How do you know we are in the first seven years?
Watch the playlist "Lamb reigns 1260 Day" we are in year 1 or 8 however you want to call it.
Used an app http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - WEBSITE: Apache License, Version 2.0
Mk 13 commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch
Am I confused? It seemed like you were suggesting the Passover falls on a New moon?
That is correct, there is a new moon on Passover
How is that? Have you ever seen the Passover occur at a new moon?
Well Yes! In year 2020 and year 2023!
Obviously the Enoch calendar is not a lunar calendar. It's a 364 day calendar much different from those following the Moon. You should probably research the basics but for those that follow it, we consider it the right calendar and feast days.
But you are using wednesday of a gregorian calendar to determine saturdays as Sabbath days....gregorian calendar is man made.
Not all equinox fall on the same gregorian calendar day. Can you explain why you choose to do it that way?
Sun created on day 4
What's the date today; 11th-of-11-76, right?
Right now it's the 28th day of 11th month
I currently live in Norfolk Va what time does the sabbath start in my city
Sunset Friday
If it's on friday ,how come it's not in a box like the other sabbaths.
You enter the Enoch days at sunset per Gen 1:5.
So the Sabbath starts on sunset Friday but the gregorian day is Saturday changing at midnight. You'll get used to it.
In the bible Numbers 9 verse 11 mentions it.I just wanted to know what is the date for the second month on the 14th day.
Yes, that's correct, the 14th of the 2nd month per Num 9:11.
It's not officially marked on the calendar because this is the first time someone has asked. In the Qumran calendar they marked it, that's how I learned about it. For future calendarS I'll mark it.
What's interesting is that Noah entered the ark on the 10th day of the 2nd month which is like presenting the Lamb for Passover in first month. He was then in the ark 7 days then the rain started on the 17th.
The 2nd Passover would be within these 7 days. As in the days of Noah....
May you be blessed for keeping the feast. Hopefully the calendar is making better sense.
Quite amazing work here sir , but I can't stop thinking that in other parts of the world -spring is not spring as it is in Israel or Middle East neither is Winter in e.g. Australia when it is in Europe, this leads me to think that if The creator God is Creator of all things and not just one part of the world even though Israel was chosen as a peculiar nation I understand that one must consider that Enoch lived much earlier to the establishment of the land of Israel or any distinguish lands or boundaries for this matter I do consider that how far should a Christian celebrate sabbath or engage in finding mysteries calendars as much as they are intriguing. God bless.
Good point. I have now spent 5 months in the southern hemisphere here in South Africa. Ive spent spring and summer in Vermont usa and then spring summer in South Africa. It doesn't get much better, praise the Lord. Down here they are used to the emphasis of the northern hemisphere by Americans and Europeans. Based on Enochs descriptions, he appears to be in the north from the "portals." With Noah, the Exodus and the House of David all giving us time from the Middle East, that is how we must base it. Besides, much of the southern hemisphere has no winter like here in South Africa. Just rainy season in summer and slightly colder in "winter".
Leeland Jones thank you very much for your reply. I understand basically the model time zone is one as told in the Holy Bible and the book of Enoch. It's interesting you point that out because my wife is from Brazil , I'm European and as you well know the seasons are swapped sort of speak. Again amazing work my friend I'm in awe of your excellent research. God bless you.
In the calendar Key I removed that seasons for this reason. What if one is in the southern hemisphere?
Also, you might find this interesting but the Enoch calendar is coded in the 144 Cubit square and 20 cubit holy of holies https://youtu.be/OrikJBGD0SA -VIDEO: 144 Cubit Inner Court/Cornerstone, Holy of Holies-14 Year Kings Timeline May 19, 2016
How does the 364 day period return to the spring equinox when 365 days or more occur? Great stuff 👍
Well it doesn't, we end up losing 1.25 days a year. These accrue in a leap cycle. In this application of the Enoch calendar, the days accrue over a 24 year period and a 30 day month is then added.
But let's watch, maybe something happens to shorten the days (c:
Please help us understand why the 6 days per week, then the 7th is also the first of the next week and not a separate 7th day Sabbath. Is this pattern reflected in the seals, trumpet, and bowls of Revelation?
Watch the video again regarding days. 2 seasons represent 180 days the time period for a Seal, Trumpet or Bowl
I really don't understand your calendar,how is it on Friday and your calendar shows the Gregorian date shows a 9 between the 2 and the 3 on the second month.
The 9 you mention is April 9th which is the 26th day of the first month.
The gregorian date is in the bottom right of Enoch dates.
Today is April 5rh, the 4th day of the week and 22nd day of the 1st month.
The next Sabbath is the 25th or April 8th.
The number of the month is to the right of the numbered days.
Remember they are in rows of 6 making exact symmetrical 30 months.
Why does the year start March 15th? 2017 is year 3!
Ok, the book of Enoch is for the last days, the Second Coming of Alpha and Omega.
First day equal 12 hrs starts at sun down, making the following day number 364.
Remember, the day starts at evening.
March 16 happens to be equal at sundown in Jerusalem which is the 17th.
Following day is 364 the 18th making the 19th the 1st day of the year.
Qumran records application of Enoch’s calendar over 6 years. The first month, 1st year has what we call a "Blue Moon" with a Full Moon on day 1 and another on day 30. This would happen right after the Spring Equinox, an Extremely rare occurence.i searched 80 years and 2014 was the closest I could find, also 24 years later. I go over this here: https://youtu.be/-uMYRnl8F4k - VIDEO: Critical you know Enoch Calendar with Solar/Lunar Eclipses, FAQs Mar 21, 2016
2014 is when the Lamb opened the Seal! 3.5 years × 364 =1,274 and The exact number of days between March 19th 2014 and Sept 13th 2017. Ten days later is Atonement, Sept 22nd, the Sign of the Woman clothed with the Sun, Rev12. The book of Esther has the Kings wrath occurring during 3.5 years, the time of the Seals/wrath of the Lamb.
2014 is also the 1st Lunar Tetrad or Blood Moons.
March 20, 2014 - Occultation of Regulus. An extremely rare event took place on the morning of Thursday, March 20. An asteroid known as 163 Erigone passed in front of the bright star Regulus (King star) in the constellation of Leo (King consternation), causing the star to disappear. This event was visible along a 45-mile-wide path and predicted at 2:07 a.m. EDT. The asteroid’s shadow will move on a southeast-to-northwest path that will extend from New York City to Oswego in New York State and continue northwest into Ontario, Canada. For those in the center of this path, the star will remain invisible for 12 seconds.
Also the application of the calendar with Day 1 being the fourth day of Week per Gen 1 lines up perfectly with the Sabbath in 2014.
In addition, please watch 11 confirmations of the Enoch Calendar: https://youtu.be/tDH82swYDgk - VIDEO: 11 Confirmation Signs of the Enoch Calendar Jul 23, 2017
On the 7th day Elohim rested the number 7 is significant but you seem to dodge it by going by the number 6. I fail to see how you can leave it out especially when the week of creation gives us a hint to the length of the story played out before the new heaven and earth. The millennial reign of Yeshua is on the 7th Day and is our 1000 year of rest.
Can you explain how, aside from the whole 12 apostle/24 elders your justification for doing so. The 12 and 24 has to do with Governance not time in my understanding from talking with the King.
Also I heard that the nephilim had six digits on a hand and this gave rise to a mathematical system based on 6 rather than on 7.
Also in the Hebrew Calendar there are two beginnings one in Nissan which indicates the first month but is not the beginning used to calculate year dates. That beginning is in Tishri Rosh Hashanah. This also ties in with the date of the creation of man which is significant. Also from my understanding the Jubilee is counted from Tishri and the birth of our Messiah was in Tishri.
I think both need to be used to understand the program of God in the end times.
Good question.
12 and 24 are important in time as well as governance. 12 hours and months and 24 hours and 24x2+3 weeks +3 days give us 364.
7 is the Sabbath as you can see in the other pattern which has also the 50th week and year.
There are many aspects to time.
The order of 7 does not achieve the same symmetry as 6 in the 91 day season.
All I can say is follow the calendar and you'll see.
Worshipping YAHUAH, at his appointed times, all determined from the sun, moon and stars that are for "signs" and seasons, so how am I worshipping the moon, if I'm using it as a time marker only?Worship the Creator, not the creation, do I
You quote Gen 1:14 but the Sun and Moon are not mentioned, "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:"
Signs - h0226. אוֹת ’ôṯ a signal, as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, mark, miracle, ensign, token.
In Hebrew signs is Aleph Vav Tav and The Sign is a Person, Aleph Tav or in Greek Alpha and Omega. Alpha Omega is the Passover Lamb which opened the Seals of Revelation during Passover 2014 at the first Blood Moon. Every 1st and 7th month the next 3 years had a lunar eclipse. However you don't know this because you're calendar is off. If you follow ("worship") the Moon, lunar calendar you have a leap month, if you follow the Enoch but are a week to 10 days late, you're feasts are also off. Why because you must follow the Lamb, the Aleph Tav, Alpha and Omega.
Shalom ... when determining Day 1 in 2014: First day of equal 12 hrs starts at sun down, making the following day number 364. Remember, the day starts at evening. March 16 happens to be equal at sundown in Jerusalem which is the 17th. Following day is 364 the 18th making the 19th the 1st day of the year.

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