2016-02-08 - 2016 364 Enoch, Qumran, House of David Calendar

3 years ago

Watch "2016 364 Enoch Calendar Part 2" https://youtu.be/C_5_o5gHMuQ - VIDEO: 2016 364 Enoch Calendar Part 2 Feb 8, 2016
2016 Calendar.pdf https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8E… - NOTES: 2016 Calendar
Im trying to learn how to understand the heavens to know how to learn Gods calendar. Ive been watching the sun and moon, and i have watched it change and the past 3 days the moon has been gone. So, is that part of your explination? Waiting on the moon to return full for a new month? I know im all lost. I need some more understanding. Thanks! Oh, you did mention sunlight, which will be on sunday, we add an hour is that when the spring starts? cause i know its a measurement orf length of the sun. am i right on that? Thank you!
Another thing, have we started our new year?
In this calendar, Enoch, the year starts at equal daylight and nighttime or spring equinox. The months are 8 30 day months and 4 31 which do not relate to the moon.
Daylight savings time? That what you mean?
This calendar has nothing to do with daylight savings time, in fact I stopped changing mine this year
New year starts on Gregory an March 16th
Hey Brother Leeland. Thanks for sharing and the explanation. I have done a little looking into this and your videos help a lot. Question: How or where do we get the info that the Enoch,Qumran calendar drops the sabbath 4 days into the first month from? God bless
I got that from the Qumran calendar. if you search online you'll see they applied that from Gen 1
how are you determining the start date of the 1st month?
FAQS https://youtu.be/-uMYRnl8F4k - VIDEO: Critical you know Enoch Calendar with Solar/Lunar Eclipses, FAQs Mar 21, 2016
Leeland, I am so excited about the calendar you have shared. I wrote it out for 2016 and 2017 and guess what I discovered? September 23, 2017 that the stars line up to is on the Day of Atonement!!!!! I have chills, this is amazing. Thanks so much my brother.
Isn't that amazing?
I did post it here but still have to add a few things like Esters Preparation https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1upPS8p2xtqNzzdhDlM46_Rbj7rZHHNgI - ALL NOTES: Apocalypsis Scroll 7 pgs 6-8; Book of Daniel pgs 2,3,14; ShowDesign pg 20
I also discuss that here: Watch "Importance of 2 Years, 364 Calendar & Daniel's Timeline" on YouTube https://youtu.be/FuiDj_uoeQU - VIDEO: Importance of 2 Years, 364 Calendar & Daniel's Timeline Oct 8, 2015
When the sand storm was over Israel, I then knew the Lord shifted time according to the work you see in this calendar. Not just any Enoch calendar either but this one fulfills to the day!
I stand corrected as I checked my calendar against yours it is not the Day of Atonement but the day after but still very exciting as we will be done with our fasting and repentance and will be spotless. Who knows what will happen!
If you look, today I'm announcing Esters Year of preparation! From then until Atonement is only 25 days, days of awe for sure.
I'm curious. Does your day of fasting mourning start Aug 13th 2017 by any chance? Or maybe it's 2016. Either way, you might be onto something. It could line up with Ez 4 :6 And the 40 days for Judah.
I don't have anything down in August of either year but I am just getting started in my research.
I see where you are coming from with August 13, 2017. That would be 40 days before the Day of Atonement with the Star of Bethlehem appearing the next day on September 23, 2017 when we suspect the Tribulation may begin. This is all just thinking out loud. I have to study this all out.
Right, you see where I'm coming from. It may not be 40 days before atonement, it may have significance 40 days after. You see, those that look into these things realize it's the Lord, then He'll tell them and not me. The Day of Atonement sign 2017 is the Woman clothed with the sun. Star of Bethlehem has to do with Esters year of preparation.
Ok. So from the 9th of Av 2015 to Atonement 2017 is 790 days (Daniel's timeline). The 9th of Av 2015 to Star of Bethlehem 2016 is 400 days.
790 - 400 = 390
Which I believe to be Ez 4's 390 days. Then there's another 40 for Judah. That's what I'm looking for.

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