2015-10-08 - Importance of 2 Years, 364 Calendar & Daniel's Timeline

3 years ago

24 x 2 = 48 + 3 Week Feasts = 51
51 x 7 =357 + 3 Day Feasts = 360
Add 4 Seasons to 360 = 364
9th of Av to Great Tribulation is 790
50 Days to Jewish Feast of Trumpets
a-10 (Day of Atonement)
728 ÷ 2 = 364
Feast of Trumpets 2017
Sept 12th
a+ 10
Sept 22nd
Daniel's Timeline https://youtu.be/pmukNE4qChk - VIDEO: Tribulation started Sept 22nd 2017 from Daniel's Timeline Jul 29, 2015
Praise God! I'm so glad, so blessed you're watching. The calendar is necessary to number days properly in the Apocalypse. At first I learned and instituted the calendar for myself, then I realized that it's actually the right timetable with the sand storm in 2015.
Also you can read of the calendar in the Book of Enoch, if your interested, I have many notes connecting it to the book of Revelation I can send.
I know it's a lot of info, I also love the truth and spend hours in this stuff. It's the wicked and adulterous generation that's been dumb down with the attention span of a gnat. So sad.
I encourage to observe the other time piece, the 7 sided Sabbath Pattern and the connection of Esther chapter 1 to Rev 4 and 5. It's the first in the series Lamb reigns 1260 days and get the notes. Even if you don't have time watch all the videos, the notes give an outline.
Dude! Did you even know about the Rev 12 sign back then??? Sweet! Praise Papa!!! YHVH
Yeah you can see I've placed great emphasis on this date for years.
Daniel's Timeline https://youtu.be/pmukNE4qChk - VIDEO: Tribulation started Sept 22nd 2017 from Daniel's Timeline Jul 29, 2015
Do you have a print out or something with this calendar on it. I have downloaded the enoch calendar but Im still a little confused. I understand we are off starting with the 7th month but what does that mean for Pesach?
Right, so the purpose of this video is the counting of days over the next 2 years.
Here we have basics on the calendars construction.
plus 4 seasons 364
I'm still working on the 2016 calendar, remember the year changes on Nisan 1, not Tishrei 1.
I'll have another video continuing this discussion.
I would add that what I'm doing is showing when events will occur.
I have other videos like 2015 tutorial showing feast etc.
It is important because the lunar calendar will have 13th month shifting all the feasts back a month in 2016.
What wS the significance of 2015 with the blood moons?
Explained Blood Moons and Solar Eclipses here https://youtu.be/30TqJuHHAhc - VIDEO: Solar Eclipse Aug 21st 2017 and the 40 Day Cycle Jun 21, 2017

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