Reality checks with David Icke

3 years ago

David Icke is a man of conviction.

He’s been called every name under the sun for daring to stand out from the crowd and share his beliefs and what he’s discovered about the way the world ticks, but after dedicating thirty years to constant research and discovering some incredible truths about our history and lineage as a species, it’s all a bit like water off a duck’s back now. He has been forged in the fires of public opinion and just like any light warrior, remains undeterred from his mission, for it.

He is a messenger with a heart of gold and a clear-cut purpose and whether you believe what he shares or not, you have to give him points for tenacity.

I first found David about ten years ago when I began questioning 9/11 (as well as climate change and world poverty to a greater extent) and have followed his work ever since, dipping in and out of various podcasts and live streams last year especially, given the circumstances. 2020 was a pivotal one in regards to my own spiritual journey - as it obviously was for billions of others also - and I have found his teachings both informative, inspiring and deeply provocative. He always inspires me to think outside “the box” as it keeps morphing, and to keep pushing the boundaries of what I think I know, and in the times that we are living in now, I believe that is both a vital skill and an essential practice to have.

I reached out to David because I wanted to find out more about the man behind the persona that is presented to the world and what I found was an authentic and light-hearted spirit, a man who lives and breathes (and is driven by) his passion - with limitless compassion - and who isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade. Our chat starts with the “cult” and ends with climate change and basically covers everything else in between. I am sure it will provide you with much food for thought and remember, you can always receive or reject what is shared.

This episode was also recorded by a French director doing a documentary series on David, so parts of it might end up elsewhere!

Naturally, he has been banned from every social media platform for exposing the world wide web of corruption, but you can connect with here on his website:

It was a great privilege to share a few laughs with David and to speak with a man, who in my eyes, has given hope to so many during a time when we most of us believed all hope was lost.


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