UNITED: Solidarity Across the Pond

3 years ago

To mark the one-year anniversary of the declaration of the "pandemic", we are celebrating a shared commitment to liberty, truth, and peace, and discussing the successes and struggles in the battle for humanity's future.

What: A gathering of outspoken truth activists from the United Kingdom and the United States (and Poland!)

Why: To encourage international solidarity and share ideas for resistance and rebuilding

Who: A group of ordinary individuals engaged in an extraordinary battle for the soul of humanity

Yvonne Rutkowski: NYC, US. Activist in NYC, update on the situation in one of the world’s most iconic cities, using photography to capture the crisis of our times, lessons from Poland.


Yzabelaah Samahra Rose: Devon, UK. Designer at AEVA Magazine, a woman-focused exploration of spiritual, intellectual, and natural health, building sacred spaces for individual growth and genuine relationships.


Kilgore Rand: Atlanta, US. I Do Not Comply. Resistance efforts on the doorstep of the CDC and beyond – lawsuits, rallies, publicity campaigns, etc.


Radoslaw Kaliszuk: London, UK. Documenting the emergence of and resistance to the police state in the United Kingdom, with a keen eye for the magnitude of the current crisis and the humane beauty of authentic resistance efforts. Protests in London and across the UK.


Darren Smith, Manchester: UK. Defending Truth and freedom through relationships, music, graphic arts, the press, etc. New Free Trade app and The Great Resist.


Julianne Romanello: Tulsa, OK, US. Building local and international resistance communities in person and online. Tulsa as a pilot program. Social impact finance.



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