396 Hz Solfeggio, I AM Affirmations Re-programming Your Mind for Achieving Success

3 years ago

Do you have a dream that is niggling away at you, unfulfilled?
Are you looking to return to work after a career break to start a family but you’ve lost your confidence?
Is there a promotion that you would love to get but don’t think you are good enough?
Is there a dream job that feels beyond your grasp?
Do you have a passion that you’d like to turn into a home-based business but never had the confidence to go for it?
Even to start exercises and join diet program but always procrastinate.

Negative thoughts and emotions could be holding us back from pursuing our dreams.
We are often our own worst enemy. Negative thoughts and the inner monologue talking ourselves down is self-sabotage at its best. All too often we let fear into our lives, particularly when it comes to pursuing our dreams.

This 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency Music can help us
✓ in creating a strong magnetic field of energy which helps and gives power to achieve our goals
✓ To overcome the fear. Which is usually the main obstacle in realizing our dreams and goals.
✓ It eradicates feeling of guilt, even the guilt residing deep in subconscious mind
✓ Liberates from subconscious negative beliefs and thoughts.
✓ Awakening and turning grief into joy

Powerful I AM Affirmations re-programming
✓ A positive, “can do” affirmations help us to re-program our mind set to confident taking small, consistent action towards that goal every day

My sacred music system I recommend is here : https://bit.ly/3q0vIwU

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