3 years ago

I want to stress the importance of understanding history and the back-story, so I've put together pertinent parts of 2018 EO 13848, my summary on the Republic and a bit of history / ACT of 1871 research. Questions always welcome and links provided.
JOS / 107 SITUATIONAL SUMMARY taken from about 6 hours 😬 of INTERVIEWs w/ Laura E & Nino Rodriquez, Michael Jaco, and others. >>I follow EVERYTHING JOS! <<
** PLEASE NOTE that the timeline is constantly shifting based on the moves of the players. JOS mentioned once that Rothschild has threatened to poison our water supply, so keep in mind we are dealing with some big ego's here.
- We were attacked in a digital Pearl Harbor.
- Resolution will NOT take years, either.
1. If you cannot get to justice through the Justice system, authority falls to the Military to FIRST AND FOREMOST protect the people and the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic. We ARE currently under "Limited" Insurrection.
2. Up until the point where Biden was sworn in and Congress and the Courts had negated their responsibility to uphold the Constitution and protect America from a Manchurian candidate coming into office, there were still civilian options.
3. 2018 EO 13848 ->> 45 days + 45 days + 30 days summary attached. (I encourage everyone to read it if you haven't.) The Director of National Intelligence (Ratcliff) presented the report ONE MONTH LATE (JAN 19, 2021) to the 13 agencies showing foreign interference in the election. The Military has conducted an internal assessment based on the report.
4. If the Military has determined the actual outcome of the election, "WHICH THEY HAVE", and that there was foreign interference, the next step ISN'T a counter-coup (mobilizing/arresting Biden and all involved), but rather to quickly and safely restore LAWFULLY ELECTED CIVILIAN AUTHORITY over the Government -- per Military Codes: 11.3 & 11.4.
5. The Military must protect the Homeland. Protection currently in place includes five Aircraft Carrier Task Forces of 100 ships each -- three off the West Coast and two off the East Coat, another one off the coast of China and one off the coast of India (which is under threat from China).
6. If the military is able to recognize President Trump as the Lawful Civilian Authority, a re-election would not be appropriate and he would need to be placed back in power. At that point the lawful Commander and Chief of the Military is the lawfully elected President. Once he has been established back into power and authority, he will be responsible for directing the Military in it's next actions. The Military will look to the President to re-establish control over the other administrative branches of Government including Congress and the Judiciary. During this time of transition we will experience a dual government. All involved and compromised individuals are guilty of seditious treason / hence Military Tribunals.
7. In the event that Congress and the Judiciary refuse to stand down, make no mistake, we are then at war (a revolutionary war) and control will fall to he who has the bigger gun.
Bottom line ... THE LAWFUL ELECTED PRESIDENT must be restored to his LAWFULLY ELECTED POSITION thus restoring the CONSTITUTIONAL CIVILIAN AUTHORITY and governance to the People.
By Ursula La
If possible, please remember my Friends to support Colleen and I here in Mexico as we continue daily to expand and grow, through the Vibration of Love, our Animal Rescue Shelter. We have now reached 45 rescued animals (Dogs, Cats, Possums, Birds) and our costs of maintaining this beautiful journey has grown far beyond what Colleen and I can maintain on our own. Only through your kindness and generosity will we be able to continue our vital efforts to give LIFE to all of these precious creations of God! You can donate to us either through PayPal or Buymeacoffee by following the links provided below! Thank you!

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