Novel Writing Advice. Start Short - #002 Brainstorm Podcast

3 years ago

The Brainstorm Podcast with fantasy author Clifton Hill is about writing, genre fiction and moral quandries.

Every author I've met starts their journey to learn the craft of writing with a story. These stories are their "Golden Ideas", often these ideas are too large, too ambitious and take too long. Learn the craft of writing faster, by writing short. Short stories let you experience the trial and error of creating a full story/character arc much faster. And doing so helps you learn the full writing process and valuable life lessons (I would dare say) much faster than sticking with writing a full length novel as your first piece of work.

It is a lesson I learned the hard way.

Short stories mentioned that are enjoyable reads and good examples of what can be achieved in the short form:
Erik Wecks' Eighty-Three is an inventive story of time travel. Time travel in a way that I haven't seen before. Available in the Anthology: The Time Travel Chronicles, with multiple other authors.

Touchstone by Sonia Orin Lyris. I read it for free on the Baen Books website, but they must have changed the formatting at some point because now it looks atrocious. Story is awesome, so just change the size of your browser (if on a desktop, phone is probably fine.) You can also buy the story here for your device:

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