3 years ago

YOUTUBE ARCHIVE from March 6, 2020

Even without game sound the video kicks ass! Cant wait to get back to gaming! Watching these videos again makes me nostalgic for some Apex Legends.

Original Description:
Hey everybody and welcome back to The Game Guy channel. Im RaZoR here with another great Apex Legends video. This one stars the awesome new character Reverant! I personally like him very much. His Stalker passive plays a major factor in a lot of gunfights. In this match I needed only 3 kills to hit the 500 kill milestone. Seems pretty easy but I seem to have a novice team who doesnt seem to know what they are doing. One leaves us from jump and the other scatters to the other side of the map after we hit the train. Eventually, we do end up coming back together to stomp on the competition. Come to find out, while editing this video, one of the randos has 51 WINS already this season! So maybe not a novice Skin Bag like I thought.

The video has some great Reverant quips throughout to cut down on the mundane slow start to the match for my team. Once we get going, I squad wipe the first team in awesome fashion to get Reverant to 500. I end up with 8 kills, 2 executions (both on Octane), and the Apex Championship cup. I had to carry the randos, as usual. You can see by the stats at the end. The kid with 51 wins, now 52 thanks to me, had only 2 kills while I sported over 2000 damage. It was fun and I look forward to doing it again.

Thank you all so much for watching and supporting the videos and my channel. If you liked the video and want to see more please subscribe and hit the Rumble! Thank you so much for watching.

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