KTKK Keto MCT Oil for Fat Loss and Better Digestion (Q&A)

4 years ago

SAVE $$$: Get a discount on MCT oil here using the code KOP: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/MCT-oil


🔹How are Perfect Supplements products vetted and sourced for safety and sustainability?
🔹What does MCT stand for and what is it?
🔹What is the C8, C10, or C12 in MCT oil and why does it matter?
🔹What are some MCT oil health benefits?  (How can it help with mood, weight loss, energy, anti-inflammatory, hormone balancing, reduce brain flog, healthy digestion, heart function, blood sugar regulation, GUT health?)
🔹If it’s antimicrobial, how does it not harm the healthy bacteria?
🔹How does it taste?
🔹What’s its smoke point? Can we cook with it?
🔹What recipes is it best to use in?
🔹How it can help you stay in ketosis and stick with a lower carb diet?
🔹What about eating coconut oil as a whole food vs. MCT oil?
🔹Can you get TOO much MCT oil? How would you know?
🔹What should we look for on the MCT label at the store?

More you might like:

🔹My 5-day fast and why it got difficult at the end: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/fasting-questions-and-answers/
🔹Smoothie recipe (with all the ways you can slip in more superfoods UNNOTICED!): https://kellythekitchenkop.com/add-more-super-to-your-superfood-smoothies/
🔹Popcorn with coconut oil: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/popcorn-recipe-with-coconut-oil/
🔹Fasting tea (Special tea just to help with fasting): https://kellythekitchenkop.com/fasting-tea

New video:

🔹Who needs to take Vitamin K2? Q&A with microbiologist Kiran Krishnan: https://youtu.be/2dESs7L7hm4

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