KTKK Prebiotics Feed the Bad Flora, Here’s How (Q&A Kiran Krishnan)

3 years ago

🔹See below for what you’ll learn in this video…. but first a DISCOUNT -- go here and use the code KOP for a discount: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/prebiotic.

🔹Anytime at all at that link you’ll get up to 40% off with the code KOP on Perfect brand products when you buy over 3 items at once, and always with free shipping on orders over $99. (My fav Perfect brand products: coconut oil, vitamin D, collagen, desiccated liver caps, liver detox caps, MCT oil, gelatin, lemon lip balm, and more.)

🔹What you’ll learn in this video:

—How the Precision Prebiotic works as a layering therapy with the Just Thrive spore probiotics (https://kellythekitchenkop.com/probiotics) to feed and further enhance the population of the good bacteria and makes them more stable.
—How the prebiotics help to protect us from the numerous environmental toxins we’re exposed to daily.
—How does it taste?
—What are some prebiotic FOODS and why not just eat those?
—How dietary fiber is different from prebiotics and how it can be hurting instead of helping our gut health.
—How most prebiotics are feeding the bad bacteria instead of promoting the growth of only the GOOD bacteria.
—What are POSTbiotics? (Hint: they help with skin health and weight loss!)
—What if you can’t afford to take it daily?
—If we could only take one, which should we take?

🔹For optimal results: take the Just Thrive spore PRObiotics for 3-4 weeks THEN add in the PREbiotic which provides nutrients for the healthy probiotic strains. Get a discount with the code KOP at this link: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/probiotics.

🔹Again, get a discount with the code KOP: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/prebiotic.

🔹More videos with Kiran that you might like:

—How to heal from histamine issues and chronic infections (and strengthen your immune system): https://youtu.be/drCC0bBXgs8
—Supplementing Vitamin K2: Why you MUST take MK7 (not MK4): https://youtu.be/8yEI-aA85Ng
--Who needs to take Vitamin K2? Q&A with microbiologist Kiran Krishnan: https://youtu.be/2dESs7L7hm4
—Decrease ACNE outbreaks safely and fast (also help for wrinkles): https://youtu.be/HFnucPofbyQ
--Women's Health and Fertility: https://youtu.be/mspfroxbn2c

🔹Please subscribe to my YouTube channel (don’t forget to click the bell to be notified when a new video goes up), also give this video a thumbs up and share it too, thanks!

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