KTKK Hard-boiled eggs in the Pressure Cooker!

3 years ago

Wait 'til you see how easy it is to peel hard-boiled eggs cooked in the pressure cooker!

Here's my 8 quart pressure cooker:: http://kellythekitchenkop.com/pressure-cooker

If you've been on the fence about whether or not you're ready to pull the trigger and finally get yourself a pressure cooker, the SAME 8 quart one I got for $133 is showing a HUGE discount right now on Amazon! I don't know why and I don't know for how long.

I love the nice big size. Wonder what you can cook with it and how it saves time? Read this post: http://kellythekitchenkop.com/best-ways-to-use-a-pressure-cooker/

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