2021 MAR 04 Former Australian Army Commando; Law vs. Directives and Political Tyranny

3 years ago

LUCAS NICOLSON: CRITICAL WARNING by Lucas Nicolson outlines the laws Australian and International which all who participates in this Vaccine Roll Out will be called to answer to.

People need to understand LAW vs. DIRECTIVES.

Currently if your involved with the Vaccine Roll out in Australia you are Aiding and Abetting POLITICAL TYRANNY.

Attention Public Officers, Politicians, Government Beaurocrats, Police, Army, Health Care Workers; you may find yourself answering to Medical War Crime; and for some treason charges Lucas Nicolson explains why!

FULL STORY HERE: https://www.4cmitv.com/2021/03/11/2021-mar-04-former-australian-army-commando-law-vs-directives-and-political-tyranny/

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