WH Won’t Confirm Number of Unaccompanied Minors at Border; Expert: Biden’s Policies Fueling Cartels

3 years ago

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00:00 WH Won’t Confirm Number of Unaccompanied Minors at Border
The higher number of migrants coming to the US-Mexico border caused a tense exchange between reporters and the White house press secretary. She strained to avoid answering pointed questions on immigration.

01:56 Expert: Biden’s Policies Fueling Cartels
Experts say President Biden's policies are enriching Mexican cartels as immigration surges. This, as Biden refuses to answer questions about the escalating crisis on the southern US border

04:19 Hackers Breach 150,000 Surveillance Cameras
A breach of privacy, taken to the next level—a group of hackers say they got access to over a hundred thousand security cameras across the country.

05:54 Up to 10 Yrs in Jail for Damaging Statues
The UK government unveils new laws, including up to 10 years in jail for criminally damaging memorials. It comes after people defaced Sir Winston Churchill’s statue in protests last year.

07:41 NGO: CGTN Under ‘More Pressure’ in Europe
An NGO director in the UK says there’s a growing push to scrutinize Chinese state-run broadcaster CGTN more closely. This comes after recent decisions by TV regulators in the UK and France.

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#Border #Biden #IllegalImmigrants

WH Won’t Confirm Number of Unaccompanied Minors at Border; Expert: Biden’s Policies Fueling Cartels | NTD

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