Crucita, Ecuador Unscheduled Beach Run

4 years ago

I didn't plan to run today, but I was up and down a ladder a lot yesterday afternoon and my calf's were a little sore this morning. So I went for an easy jog just to loosen up my legs. I did 7K @ 6:48 pace including all my stops during the jog. Today I took the neckless pendent mount for the camera and ended up editing most of it out. It was in no way stable enough to watch when jogging. Maybe if you were walking in a mall or something like that. At 3:42 to 3:52 I left in a piece when it was on the chest mount on the pendent. So far the clip on a hat or sweat band is the most stable video. I have a 6" selfie stick that came with it and may try that my next run just to see how if feels running with it in my hand. Still investigating to find the most stable video. You can follow me on Strava and see my stats @
March 26th I am flying to Bogota so I should get a couple runs at 9000' elevation. I'm sure it will be a killer since I have been at sea level for well over a year now. I will probably shoot some other videos of the area around our apartment.

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