Powerful Hope

3 years ago

Hope in Christ, this is where we see through the eyes of faith, a faith that is personal, a faith heart to heart with God. We are soul saturated with God’s incredible love and power, therefore our characteristic of heart is seeded in divine strength and we run the race of our life, diligently pressing forward with hope. We do not grow weary in our pursuit of kingdom mission and we walk the second mile without giving up, we soar and we thrive in the midst of chaotic cultural corruption, with our eyes focused on our future and hope and our feet firmly planted on God’s truth, a reality of truth, dually anchoring us to our actuality here and our future with God. Why is hope so powerful? Because our God is living, here, present, now, with us, for us, and giving us a purposeful mission of followship and a great God adventure in this life. Believe me, it is never boring when hope lights your way and you move in the sway of God’s Sovereignty, being found in Him. He is the Creator and maintainer of all, and as we live, move and breath, having our being in Him, we are changed up to reflect Him, we are visionary, bold, faith-filled and courageous people, not afraid of a challenge, because we know the purposes of God in every challenge we face are greater than the challenge itself. We wholly-holy belong to Jesus, we hope in Him and Him alone, we are soul saturated with His Life, Christ in us, the hope of glory. #DigDeeper

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