The New Label - CAPD

3 years ago

This label, like other labels in our educational system, is a symptomatic label. That means if there are enough symptoms on a checklist, the label is given. As always in NeuroDevelopment, the question is: what is causing these symptoms to occur? Our society’s practices are the culprit again! In this episode, Jan Bedell, the Brain Coach, will provide a broader understanding of CAPD and its far-reaching effects. If you know someone that has trouble following directions, staying on task, reading with a phonics approach, or comprehending what is said and read, this podcast can offer some real answers. Many times the same symptoms that are associated with CAPD are also experienced by individuals that have or are suspected of having ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning struggles or disabilities. This podcast will discuss how low auditory processing presents challenges for every sector of our society. It will also include ways to improve the inefficiencies found in the symptoms of these labels. By learning how to improve these brain inefficiencies, you can greatly improve your child’s auditory processing!

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