Fallout 76 lets play part 5 - First Camp an Crafting PS4 ► No commentary

3 years ago

Fallout 76 - PS4 GAMEPLAY - No commentary - Junkie Jess try's out the Camp building an a bit of crafting, but doesnt get far Jess is lacking concrete meaning only a small platform is built , while building the small camp Jess earns two Trophy's (happy c.a.m.p.er) and (we must rebuild)
Video is longer than expected, due to many encounters along the way with ghouls, floaters, scorched, mutants an mongrels,

(Reclamation day) part 1
(tested mettle) part 1
(junker funk) part 2
(a fighting chance) part 2
(second skin) part 2
(first contact) part 3
(a real challenger) part 3
(2nd helpings) part 4
(Happy C.A.M.P.ER) part 5
(we must rebuild) part 5

my links
Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-496044

psn - sef1959

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