COVID 19 - Plandemic Part 5

3 years ago

In Plandemic Part 5 we will discuss the evidence that the main stream health organizations and their media partners are actively trying to cover up the true origins of the COVID-19 outbreak.
This video may be upsetting to some. Upending your view of reality and the beliefs you may have regarding the society in which you live is not an easy thing to do.
If you have suffered personal loss during this pandemic our prayers are with you. We are only trying to awaken you to the forces within the current human matrix that seek to control you. Forewarned is forearmed. You need to defend yourself and your personal freedoms.
In this series of Plandemic videos we will examine the origins of the COVID19 virus, the players involved in its promotion, the behaviour of the main stream health community and the main stream media during the pandemic crisis, and the real end game behind the pandemic phenomena.

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