Cosmic Disaster- Watch and understand this Documentary! (RUMBLE SUPPRESSED VIDEO)

3 years ago

All research of the science that leads Ben Davison to these conclusions also leads me to believe this scenario is very real and imminent. With the implosion of the global economy at the hands of the Global Elites man made PLANDEMIC 'Covid1984' along with the fall of government structure and the awakening of the masses of humanity it would seem the CABAL perhaps know the truth as well. While they scramble around to deceive us all and rob us of our remaining wealth and freedom they themselves buy up land and build elaborate bunker and cave systems and new compounds in countries across the planet. Have you checked to see if these new developments are safe from this pending doom? I HAVE!! Perhaps that would help you determine the truth of this documentary. The planet is going through several changes and historic cycles are being repeated. From Global Cooling to the 12000 years catastrophic shift, the weakening magnetosphere and the pole reversal in full swing, it appears the Global Elites will do anything and everything to ensure their survival accompanies our demise.
Is that why we are living through such demented times? It would seem it is time to prepare and change the course of their wishes and take back our futures from them to ensure our survival!

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