No Interruption ~ Not Stolen ~ Not Destroyed

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement With illegitimate authority in control of our nations, people with corrupted authority are making choices that steal liberty, destroy autonomy and can eventually kill freedom. I feel sad and afraid at times, I cringe with anxiety when I hear all the foolish things being done that make no common sense and devalue national civility. In times such as these, I have to remind myself of the reality of truth (Hebrews 2:8) that our God is the Only True Supremacy; Jesus is the Rulership I am positioned under and there isn’t anyone or any authority that is above His. Nothing is outside of the control of Jesus. Our Almighty God is Supreme. I am positioned under His Rulership of Love. There is nothing or no one above God. He controls all. God rules over all. I do not need to fear the illegitimate supremacy of corrupted leadership. God is in control of everything. I can stop fearing that the illegitimate authority in play in our nation has any adverse control over me, my life, my provision, my home, my children, my grandchildren and my faith walk with God. God is the absolute Supremacy of my life, so when human beings wrongly take absolute illegitimate supremacy over others, and that absolute power corrupts absolutely, this illegitimate authority can’t disrupt God’s Supremacy over my life. Nothing can interrupt God’s way, truth or life for me. The plan of God for me cannot be disrupted by man’s illegitimate authority, nor can the purpose of God for me, nor can the provision of God for me, nothing can separate me from God and the Supreme authority He has over the all of my everything. Pray It Up: I declare and I decree I am under the Supreme Rulership of Jesus Christ and there is nothing mere man can do to disrupt this, nor can the benefits of me being underneath God’s Supremacy be interrupted, stolen, or destroyed. God’s banner of love will fly over me freely. The I AM~ I am wholly-holy HIS and HE IS mine. #DigDeeper

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