Tithing is not for Today Part - 1

3 years ago

Oh what a drama, when preachers and ministers still preach the tithe. If they claim they truly study scripture and believe we live under the administration of the New Covenant, then how come they insist that the Tithe, which was important under the Law of Moses, and btw mostly referred to the "first" of a flock and "first-fruits" of produce, not necessarily or always money, then there is either a question of a lack of knowledge or integrity. So much damage has been done with the teaching of the Tithe. The believers who have already come out of rigid religious environments into a better understanding the Gospel, still need to shed this erroneous doctrine on Tithing. With regards to supporting a Ministry, there should be no obligation, but an opportunity for responsible giving, as an expression of faith motivated by love.
For more information: http://www.reformationgospel.com

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