3 years ago



   Anybody that knows me well knows that since March of last year I've been a bit outspoken about being "masked up"..  Do I wear them when I need to? Yes I do.. Do I usually take it off when I'm inside the store? Probably about 85% of the time, just being honest🤷🏽‍♂️... If I'm around people at a close distance, especially the elderly, I'll put it on, but I really can't stand those things. It literally feels like I can't breathe, so I don't keep that thing on for too long... Before you attack me in your mind🙂, I can tell you that my wife and I have had some serious disagreements on this, and even though I respect the arguments from a "moral" level, I'm not gonna compromise my health if I can help it.. Why would I purposely cover my face if it's affecting how I breathe?? I'd rather breathe freely and trust in God to protect me from danger and pestilence ...

   So here's a Doctor briefing a group of people about some details pertaining to this subject of "MASK WEARING"... He's worn a medical mask in more than 10,000 surgical procedures so I think he's seasoned enough to speak on this subject matter...

   He admits that mask's induce physiological changes because they block your oxygen intake significantly... They can block arterial oxygen, give you headaches, make you dizzy, cause anxiety, make you irritable, cause sleeplessness, restlessness, and even facial rashes and fungal infections..

   A key point he brought out, and one of I've discussed many times with my loved ones, is that the "handling" of these masks is actually causing more contamination because they're not being handled in a sterile fashion. For example, the majority of people are putting these masks in their pockets, purses, countertops, desks, and everywhere else imaginable, and then reapplying them to their face when they should be fresh & sterile everytime!! Is that you??🤔🤔 I sure know that's me!!!🙋🏽‍♂️😏🙂🤣 Anybody in the medical field knows that's how medical masks are supposed to be handled..

So the question from him, myself and so many other's is "why is this not being discussed in the risk analysis"?? The Doctor shares a personal story about his executive assistants fiancee being forced by his employer to wear a mask at all times during work. Long story short, he was up 25ft in the air when all of a sudden he got dizzy, fell and suffered a head injury, dislocated his shoulder, and has multiple broken bones..

As thing's begin to open back up, they still want everybody masked up. The one that really bothers me is they want our kids masked up during school, and this is why I'm sharing this video.. Are you a parent? Have you considered and researched the risks of "mask wearing" for extended periods of time? Do the risks outweigh the actual problem?? I believe they do, what do you think?? If you disagree with the information and you've read this far and watched the video, speak up, leave a comment, maybe I can learn something about this I didn't know. My aim is to make people think about things they haven't previously considered. As I've stated many times, a good percentage of the people reading these posts or watching videos I upload are people whom I love such as family, church family from everywhere & longtime friends. For those reasons, the time I take doing it and the information presented is worth it to me...


"The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all"...
                                             Luke 12:2

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