Shamanic Guidance Reading March 2021 - Retreat to Reconnect, Become Loyal & Honor Your Sacred Spiral

3 years ago

Within this Reading, we are going to look at the month of March 2021 as we Step into Spring and Embrace the month ahead. This month, we pulled the Prairie Dog, the Dog and also the Grouse which calls us to Retreat to Reconnect, Become Loyal to Ourselves and Others and to Honour Our Sacred Spiral. I will describe these in more detail below:

Prairie Dog: The message from the Prairie Dog is to Retreat in order to find peace and solitude in your life. This card has appeared many times in recent months which in many ways mean's that it is quite prominent in our lives right now. Therefore, now is a time for you to Retreat as you step away from social media, the news and television so that you are able to quieten your mind and find yourself. This will allow you to rest and replenish as you reconnect with your inner world with what is right and true for you.

Dog: The Spirit Animal of the Dog teaches us about Loyalty, and now is a time for you to be Loyal to yourself and others. Give unconditional love to others as Dogs give to you and notice your Soul Family as they guide and support you on your spiritual journey. Loyalty from my perspective, also means to be honest and integral with yourself, follow your own Soul calling and don't allow others to lead you astray.

Grouse: Finally the Grouse is calling you to Honor the Sacred Spiral of your Spiritual Journey. Allow the Grouse to support you in reaching everlasting heights as your ascend to higher levels of consciousness. Notice the energy you are expressing in the world, is it causing you to fall down your spiral or rise above it. Enjoy the sacred dance as you embrace every experience in your life.

As we wrap up the month, lets bring this all together. Prairie Dog is calling you to retreat as you rest and replenish to honor your internal quest. As you do that, embrace the spirit animal of the Dog as you bring your soul into alignment as become loyal to yourself. Know your truth and follow that with love and integrity. Then finally, Walk the Red Road as you embrace the Sacred Spiral of your Spiritual Journey.

Take care everyone and I wish you all the best in March. If you would
like any personal support on your Spiritual Journey, please book a Soul
Discovery Session below...

View our Shamanic Animal Art at:

For Personal Guidance and Support on Your Spiritual Journey and Soul Pathway Visit:

=== Book a Soul Discovery Session ===

The Soul Discovery Sessions are Introductory Sessions here at The Soul
Pathway. It is my goal and aim with these sessions to help you find
peace and harmony in your life amidst what may seem like chaos. If you
would like personal support on your spiritual journey and soul pathway,
please feel free to reach out and book an introductory session below...

=== About The Soul Pathway ===

At The Soul Pathway, we helps individuals embrace each and every aspect
of who they are so that they can truly connect with their Soul and
Awaken to their Higher Self. As a process, we assist you with connecting
with your own soul journey as you embrace your higher calling in life.
This will enable you to live in alignment with who you are as you live
your Souls Purpose.

Our main objective is to help you shift from your old story and
conditioning into a new and empowering story that serves who you are as
an individual. This will then enable you to live a purposeful and
enriched life that sets your soul on fire each and every day. By walking
with your Soul Pathway, you are able to unlock your true self as you
connect with your Soul and awaken to your higher self!

More Information at:

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