Shamanic Reading for February 2021 - Enter the Void, Embrace Your Power & Connect with Your Purpose

3 years ago

Within this months reading we explore the energies of February 2021. As we have all experienced in January, the energies have been quite intense and we have all had to recollect ourselves and create peace and harmony within. This month, we connect with the energy of the Raven, the Horse and the Wolf. I will describe these in more detail below:

Raven: Raven's Medicine comes in the form of Magic. It's when we have the courage to enter the dark void which has not yet come into form. This is about each and every one of us exploring the darkness and the unknown so that we are able to better understand it. Just because something is not yet in our physical reality, it doesn't mean it's not turn. Some things are yet to come into form and when they do, we have to embrace them. Often we fear our Shadow for it contains the unloved aspects of Self and yet we connect with it, we come to love and appreciate it. Acknowledge it for what is it so that we are able to then change it. Raven is inviting you to connect with the dark void within and that which exist in the collective so that we can in turn build a better world.

Horse: Horse Medicine give us Horse-Power to drive towards our goals and our dreams. With the energies of January, many of us have felt disheartened and unmotivated. The Horse card here is calling you to reconnect with your power and strength to bring that drive and motivation back. Allow the Horsepower to be the driving force behind you to set you free. There is no doubt life can be challenging at times and especially in this moments of great change but we have to keep moving forward. So be sure to utilise the power of Horse medicine to keep you inspired and motivated this month.

Wolf: Finally the Wolf is calling us to connect with our Purpose and become the Teachers in our lives. As we follow our purpose and passion we raise the collective consciousness and support those around us. We are here to live our purpose and follow our own spiritual journey and soul pathway. Others may not understand your journey and that is completely fine as long as you are connected with what is right and true for you. When you follow your purpose, you also connect with your Soul Tribe who are there to keep you on track. Notice these people on your pathway as they will be the people who help you stay aligned with your deeper souls purpose and calling.

As we wrap up the month, lets bring this all together. Raven is asking you to enter that dark void with courage so that you are able to see clearly. Know that some things are yet to come into form though you have to truth that they are yet to come. As you do this, notice the power and strength that can be found within you. Utilise that horse power to keep going and you set yourself free! Finally, become the teacher and pathfinder and you connect with your soul and assist the raising of the collective consciousness.

Take care everyone and I wish you all the best in February. If you would like any personal support on your Spiritual Journey, please book a Soul Discovery Session below...

=== Book a Soul Discovery Session ===

The Soul Discovery Sessions are Introductory Sessions here at The Soul Pathway. It is my goal and aim with these sessions to help you find peace and harmony in your life amidst what may seem like chaos. If you would like personal support on your spiritual journey and soul pathway, please feel free to reach out and book an introductory session below...

=== About The Soul Pathway ===

At The Soul Pathway, we helps individuals embrace each and every aspect of who they are so that they can truly connect with their Soul and Awaken to their Higher Self. As a process, we assist you with connecting with your own soul journey as you embrace your higher calling in life. This will enable you to live in alignment with who you are as you live your Souls Purpose.

Our main objective is to help you shift from your old story and conditioning into a new and empowering story that serves who you are as an individual. This will then enable you to live a purposeful and enriched life that sets your soul on fire each and every day. By walking with your Soul Pathway, you are able to unlock your true self as you connect with your Soul and awaken to your higher self!

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